Taste of Defeat 1

"i hear that the milk she produces makes her ritual magic far more powerful," says a warlock. "i wonder what dark power she signed a deal with to get tits like that."

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Wizard's Duel

Tik tik meets another kobold--a warlock bent on hurting one of her friends, but not if tik tik can defeat him in a duel. but, of course, with all things tik tik, one thing inevitably leads to another.

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Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 15

Tenchi was abit shocked by janch's fight before she turned around to blast a whole row of warlocks attempting to fling their spells at jigo, the sky soon filling up with a roaring sound as tenchi turned back to janch to see her now looking at a well-armored

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The Origins of Crola, the Snake Sorcerer (Naga Snake TF)

"open up, you warlock!" a warlock? crola thought. he couldn't be. he heard the door to the library open. out came a worried lus. this made crola thought something. "sir, what do they mean, warlock?"

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Edition Enhancement

"with that much charisma and intelligence you'll make a perfect warlock. a little cheese, but who doesn't love cheese?"

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“Grandma, there’s a wolf here for dinner…” Part 13

"most witches and warlocks i know start to show some age about three hundred. is she using a charm to adjust her age?" i shook my head, "nope, that's all her. she's always been active and eaten right."

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Superhero 5

Three dead clerics, and he knew that warlocke's cabal would number either three or nine, a squaring of three. if the three priests already slain were part of a group trained by warlocke, there would be five more.

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Gift - Mercy’s Blessing - Part 2

"allard i became a warlock to protect you, to fight for you, to heal you, to be a light in the darkness for you..." corwin sobbed once. "i am tired... so tired of keeping this last bit of distance to you.

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Poolside Manner [Commission]

Bagging and binding a higher demon to his service was the last thing the young warlock thought he could pull off.

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