Dragon Warrior
All the other warriors went to the armory and got machine guns, bazookas, shotguns, grenade launchers, and mini guns. two warriors went on top of the towers and positioned themselves to the 50 caliber turrets.
the warrior of gehena
Thankfully the entire column wasn't just the golden warriors, they were silva's honor guard. the elite of ruatha.
Synne the Warrior
#1 of synne synne, a warrior maiden in a fantasy setting, goes forth to combat a great and terrible evil. bad things happen to her.
The Waylaid Warriors
"i am waylajo," replied the alligator warrior, "a warrior of chief gabuntu's tribe, and i come in peace. to whom do i speak?"
The warrior's march
In another time, two lions walking slowly on the path of the warrior. today, a warrior advancing on the route of duty. as night fell, nikeiklos observed a small fire in the distance.
Nareesa The Warrior
Her spirit as a warrior burned away in that stare.
Wayward Warrior
What struck the wayward warrior most strange was the uncanny way the striders behaved. they were so human and yet they had not pursued government, trade, science or invention.
A Warrior's Victory
#97 of commissions commission for trailblazersfan. 2 warrior dragons, cyrus and gile, return from the glory of battle. training has kept them both busy but now they finally have time for each other.
The Warrior Within
The Mecha Research Institute... an almost magical place where the most advanced in battle and utility suits were created. Most people never even got to be on the property, much less see in side any of the buildings. There was always one exception...
The Warrior's Welcome
Luckily, visitors come to the tribe, among whom is a meerkat warrior. seeing this, she decides to give him a warm welcome.
Warrior At Heart
Let her die a warrior's death, with her weapon at her side."
Shady Impressions: Shady Impressions: Of Mouthiness, Monologues and Mountains #5
**Chapter 9** Last we heard, in a determined effort to avoid any comeuppance from the likely to be furious villagers of Letum, Russo, Jem, Zane and Morgan bumbled out of town and were trying to get the hell out of dodge. Fortunately for them...