Aberration, Part 2 - Effectively The Beginning
After spending some time on it, i manage to get a crude smooshed cylinder shape out of the upper half and i have the foundations of a handle at the bottom half.
Suncrest - Chapter 6
Accompanying the pixie's explanation was a movement of the marker from crudely drawn squares to misshapen circles. what looked to be a hat with legs shot triangles from its body.
The Simple Things. Chapter Twenty-One.
He turned his head to look at the tv, scratching inside his boxers crudely. "i used to pick on him, you know." max said not even asking as he began. "i lot." he stared off a bit, just facing the screen. "a lot..."
Shackles & Jessarin - Chapter 3 & 4
She couldn't help but smile over her shoulder to him, "i don't mind your crudeness much hun."
(C) It's Too Big, Kupo!
A crude but brutal-looking club smashed down right where she had been, missing her by an inch. she let out a surprised "kupo!" as she took a step away. she held her sword out in front of her, looking at the thing that attacked.
Zhulneek the Terrible - Commission for Monazomatu
Zhulneek drew a crude picture of a beastman in the floorboards being carried by an equally crude drawing of skinky. "you bring back here, understand?" she drew an arrow connecting the first drawing with an elaborate drawing of herself.
The Lycanthrope Tails. Chapter Seven.
It was a large, crude, run down building this steel mill. it had a central warehouse next to the factory itself. chimney pipes stuck up along the factory, next to the foundry.
A Dance of Mud and Bubbles
He had the physique of a construction worker and the behavior of one, as crude and unrefined as his clothing.
The Jaguar God
The crevasse narrowed again, and to my surprise there were steps crudely carved into the side.
Fates of the Unicorns 85 - Draw
A few more testing scratches, then she drew some crude lines, quickly scratching out a quick and dirty stick figure scene of a particular dragon getting slain by a knight in shining armor.
Watching Your Language
**vulgarity** sex is a very dirty thing (especially when done right) but it does not need to be crude.
Chapter 10: A Moment of Happiness
Alea was not very good at sewing -- or at anything that had to do with the traditional role of a female -- and zaldon gave a sobbing laugh at the crude way in which ettore's name had been sewn in the corner.