Dalupine Day 3B: Helping a Pup
With that, the dalmatian spread his bent legs and began to ride the older canid.
Daruupin: A Nanshoku Tale
The samurai, just before his climax, forced his inflated penile knot into the dalmatian's mouth, prying it and his throat open.
Dalupine Day 1: Breaking a Pup
The older canid gripped the dalmatian's hips and slowly pushed into the puckered hole.
The dalmatian dog thinks on the last lap he had given his life. pongo observes jack's farm, the dalmatian dog decides to visit his friend.
Keeping the Peace, Dousing the Flames
Pearl herself was delighted, feeling her ass stuffed full of the dalmatians ample dick.
Past and present
Kaiser continues pushing his hips without any compassion while the dalmatian cub cried of pain.
Can't Run From Trouble
The dalmatian even grinned to himself a bit. he didn't know why, but he felt like he had the upper hand. "you like that, yeah?"
Sibling x Girlfriend Side-Stories - The Morning After, Pt. 1
The female dalmatian got up as the other pair left for the bedroom, and went to wash her face briefly in the kitchen sink.
Lucky opens her mouth in surprise to see photographs of a dalmatian dog with his hero, the dalmatian dog is like his father, but the distribution of his spots is different from those of pongo.
the Dalmatian under the tree part one
He looked up to see the dalmatian looking at him "you alright mate" the dalmatian asked holding out a paw, eli held out his own and grabbed his paw and the dalmatian helped him up.
Chapter 7: In Your Eyes
Another ping in the dalmatian's chest caused him to flinch. "yeah... she gave me the sex talk..."
An Overpowering Ring 2
The dalmatian giggled. "because i want you to drink it from the condom, silly." from the condom.