Jahaliya : Young Wives Tale Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Sapphire followed the two outside of the chambers toward the kitchen with just enough time to summon a few more maids to clean up. As the personal handmaiden, she would take care of the tea set personally. Princess Jasmine would never...
A Marriage Blossoming - PttP 4
"Genchi jikan wa 9: 00 Am de, tenki wa genzai watashitachi o yoku shori shite iru Hanedak?k? e y?koso. Min'na ga hik?ki kara orosa reru to, 28-do no gaiki de tomadoudeshou," the small screen inset into the seat in front of the two went black as the...
Pain: Part 4: Trust
As the entered she began to draw a bubble bath for the small bunny who she helped sit on top of the counter by the sink, "my mother always would draw a bubble bath to help me relax...and this is the perfect time for you to start becoming comfortable with me
Bound by Destiny 13
Her eyes fixated on the bubble-bath quickly and she looked at tenchi, "mom? can i take a bath with you? i promise i won't do anything stupid." tenchi was thinking quickly before giving kari a smile, "sure, but nothing sexual."
Bound by Destiny 13
Her eyes fixated on the bubble-bath quickly and she looked at tenchi, "mom? can i take a bath with you? i promise i won't do anything stupid." tenchi was thinking quickly before giving kari a smile, "sure, but nothing sexual."
A New Begining
Sarah then walked into her room and into a hot bubble bath for a good hour and then hopped into bed at 11:30pm curling up under the warm sheets. "so that was my day. it was my lovely day.
Fertile soil - Chapter 8
I uhh... found some more of that soap" blake said, averting his eyes for a moment and holding the bottle up, then squirting a bunch of the bubble bath into the water.
Special day
Grandma is preparing a nice warm bubble bath." said tyler. "you gonna be swimming in bubbles with me, puddlepup." said fiona. "no ebil baff !" was the wolf's only reply.
Bathtime, Dinnertime, Bedtime
They even found some bubble bath soap. after some tinkering with the drain, they adjusted the mechanics so that the rain would continue to agitate the bubble bath and not cause an overflow of water at the same time.
Shower Time
Shower Time By Luther Aly was a hell of a lizardess. It was more than mere assertion, this was empirical observation. Well, at least the observation part was covered. She was a head-turner, that was true, and blessed in a number of ways. She...
Outta This World
Being stuck in the room and left with few options, he decided to take a bubble bath to ease his mind a bit.
Tension and Relief
Then marion looked over and saw that the bottle of bubble bath was right there on the edge. "gee..." she said, "that bubble bath is awfully close to the edge, don't you think?" "yeah..." said abby, "it might fall in."