New In Town

Gray wasn't one for talking; it wasn't that stranger danger was an issue, but he was just a naturally quiet person. " were kinda looking into space there a moment ago," the fox began awkwardly. "you okay?"

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A Gay Lion King Parody 23

The lion mattered; the dogs were strangers, dangerous and worth being 'armed' against. _am i any better than scar, if i'm willing to do something like this?_ simba didn't have an answer.

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After The Pool Job (Gay Father/Son Incest Story)

"one-ten to one-five-zero, stranger danger in zone three, south gate. i'm heading there now." "negative. i'll handle it, son. probably someone who just got lost." came the gruff response from the radio.

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The Day I, Charles "Chuckles" Taylor, Blew Up.

Before thoughts of stranger danger even entered my brain space, he then urged me to get in.

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Working Out The Kink

Part of him was nervous: a stranger taking him somewhere unknown was a textbook kidnapping, and he'd had enough lessons at school about 'stranger danger' to know better.

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Reaper Angelsea Campaign: First Interlude

Some kids even made a point of pointing at him and crying out 'stranger danger' but the nuns continued to ignore him. yeah, great way of teaching the kids.

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Table Seven

stranger danger, girls have coodies. all that." "so, there are others in the tribe that believes in this?" "oh, yes! no doubt about it. even my family does.

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Setting the Stage (Chapter14, book8)

"stranger danger," kalen mused. "dumbest thing schools and society ever did," said reno.

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A Small Purchase

The phrase 'stranger danger', coined from the earthen folk, had never been more accurate in this scenario.

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Trucker's Wisdom

He looked at the wolf's grimy boots and thought about stranger danger. _do i want to get raped to death or do i want to end up dead in a ditch?_ "ki-i-id, hey. look. i ain't gonna bite," the wolf said, audibly losing some of his patience.

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Rough Lessons

He could also stick to back alleys only, but his parents warned him about those and he had enough stranger danger for one day.

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