Chapter 8: Tidings

What tidings, friend?" "the weather is fair, that much is certain." i can make out his grin as i approach him. he has a faint, peculiar accent. he doesn't speak as stiffly as the nobles do, but he lacks the drawl of a common farmer.

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The Slaying Tide Teaser

Home Blake I was typing at my VirtuPuter when a message for "Dangerous Threat" popped up on my VirtuPuter, scaring the crap out of me. The color of the threat was green. Damn. This is one of the tougher mother fuckers. I touched my MIC (Miniature...

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High Tide (By Valyri)

_Why is it the only people taking advantage of a nude beach are always the ones who shouldn't be?_ The age-old quandary popped into Lukas's head, but didn't exactly linger - insistent pressure on your bladder sort of has a way of overriding more...

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tide made it to the large swinging door leading to the courtyard between the dorms and the building class was being held in. tide held up his hands in victory "and it's tide by a mile!

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Path of a Legend Chapter 2

He took a look at tide and blinked a few times. "wait, little tide is that you?" tide gave a soft smile and nodded. "well i'll be a tectites uncle, last i saw you, you were no more than two years old.

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WereLords - Chapter 7: Sanctuary

tide stood up and braced himself, waiting for the shock. wall lunged once again and threw his fist right in to tide's chest. the blue werewolf fell backwards from the impact, breath shallow.

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Lann: The Journey Begins

I brought my clawed paw up to my mouth and licked it clean of tide's cum, tide leaning down and joining in on the cleaning. soon my paw was clean and tide proceeded to clean my face with his hot tongue.

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Path of a Legend Chapter 1

"now tide you know what mother said. she did not want us walking through there for fear of us getting robbed." star replied. "i know but still, this is dull." tide huffed.

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Blue Rage

" oh my god...tide...tide, can you hear me? " i sounded like a whimpering kid, which is how i felt inside. tide made no response to me. " tide, please...please answer. i can't see you like this, please. tide got up and kept his white eyes on me.

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Rising Tides Part 2

We apologize for not giving tail whip battle that you had expected, but your severed tree appendages would have been no match for this one of few tides.

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Rising Tides Part 1

So'waa'ma'wae is happy to suicide an undetermined number of tides, maybe even all her tides, for the chance to create balance where none exists.

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