Moving South
It was late afternoon, and the rocks of the cliff-face were being painted a beautiful hue of golden-brown by the setting sun. The tall pine trees stood like staunch sentinels in the valley bellow, silhouetted by the pink clouds. It was that time of the...
Moving Forward
Cassidy opened her eyes to a dimly lit room as dawn approached. Her upper body still rested on top of Fenny. Slowly, she lifted her head from his chest, but Fenny must have felt the sudden loss of weight as he lifted his head and sleepily gazed at...
Jax Moves In
Thor was watching Jax sleep, the Doberman had moved the last of his stuff into the apartment with Silver and Thor, he laid down for a few minutes and then was suddenly passed out. "Poor guy must be exhausted," Thor said to himself as he draped a blank...
Moving Up
Moving Up By: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: Some characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. Others are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and...
Objective: Move In!
Jesse walks down the trail, panting and placing a paw on his bloated belly as he carries a few bags, soon after arriving back at Syrup's house. "Hey there mister big belly, how was the trip?" Said Syrup with a cute smile. "I-I got chased..." stuttered...
Move-meant... Among the strangers yet to be friends Faces look about, searching for similarity as each song ends Sudden a sight, eyes lock & see deeply into lives that can be Eyes wide shut, I envision what's truly best for me Still in the moment,...
new moves
It's Been a year from the tiebreaker with the kings of fire at the battle war, as tsume and her team are back in Osaka training for the next event that will be coming in a month. "Tsume!" She snaps back to reality as she turns and saw faiya behind...
Moving forward
Katherine licks the penis slowly; her tongue moves on the knot. the rough tongue makes shaking to alan.
Move It On Over
If ever there was a time that Hank Griswwald enjoyed more than any other, it was Friday evening. The Siberian Husky always made sure to enjoy himself after work; usually by having a drink or ten, but he still had to be careful not to end up hungover...
Moving Day
Alexis gave a huff as she shut the hatchback to her mother's Honda Fit. She moved the last of her bags up onto the curb, then turned to the abnormally Amazonian sergaless with a wide smile. "Thanks, mom," she said while she held her arms out to the...
The Moving Guy
The first summer I tried to live on my own, independent of my parents, did not turn out as hot as I had anticipated. College was out, and instead of traveling back to my hometown right away, I split an apartment with a friend in the hopes that I could...
Move Along
Maybe if i write them out, they will be gone and i can finally move on to another strange corner of my psyche. it's just little old me against the big, tall world. no one tells me these things. i make them up.