Recontextualize 14 - Bearly Legal

"you can complain but we might find your complaints invalid. there are certain risks to lodging invalid complaints. we find a spectrum of performances acceptable. someone being less skilled than another is hardly a reason for someone to complain.

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Latex Boa

"we're sorry, the number you have dialed is invalid. please hang up and try again," this message made sarah even more angry. she dialed again and the same message came up.

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Factory for the World

Garrett bit his tongue, possibly too hard, as he heard his earpiece say, "invalid voiceprint, try again or say 'cancel'." the fox was looking at it like it was a friend ignoring him. "can you hear me?"

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Eater of Dragons

It wasn't like his victory would be invalidated if he took too long to digest his prey. the townspeople who had hired him were no doubt anxious to hear back from him. or maybe they had already assumed him consumed by the rampaging dragon.

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Owner. Forever.

Your brain heard my voice and fed back invalid responses to the system. if there are too many invalid responses, we'd be temporarily locked out of the app." he pointed the phone back to you again. "now you try." "alright."

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[c] Heating Up, chapter 1

"i'm not an invalid," she said. "i'll be fine." she stopped going into town, having food and groceries delivered in order to stop prying neighbors from gossiping about her sudden state or her increasingly massive growth.

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That might jeopardize her staying here, invalidate her scholarship. the sparkling chime marking the end of the school day sounded and she sat squirming in her chair.

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Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 25

"fucking stop that, i'm going to face this on my feet, not on my back like an invalid." his friend helped him to stand. "we don't know how he's doing it. but uncle says that ten percent of the nanites in your brain self destructed.

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Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 39

"i have enough with dealing with one near invalid." zephyr offered him his hand, and alex pulled him up. "how are you doing?" "i'm in enough pain to last me a lifetime, but there's light, so i can endure it." zephyr indicated tristan.

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Breaking McCloud

As if it invalidated fox's pleading, wolf strummed fox's stiff penis, staring into his eyes as he did so. fox shuddered but at the same time shooed away wolf's paw and covered himself. "not fooling anyone.

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A Deep, Feminine Kiss

Whether or not he felt that way now, literally a moment later, it couldn't possibly invalidate the moment which had just passed. he was great. by requisite, a small part of him still was.

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Fur Kingdom---CH.1

"error, invalided selection, please choose again." he was about to get frustrated with the machine until a train arrived behind him. as he turned to look he saw something he had only wished for he entire life.

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