The Dragon and the Thief

The night was as still as the crisp chill in the air; Not a sound nor a peep disturbed the silence. The tall, rocky mountain stood sentinel over the deep valley before its mighty, imposing base, like a silent guardian, ever present in its immensity....

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The sound of Shadi's merry humming filled the sleekly designed kitchen as the tan furred lioness worked, her little, not even five foot frame standing up on a small step stool so that she could comfortably reach the cake she was icing. If anything was...

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The best kept pet

The African sun beat in through the windows, illuminating the polished, hardwood floor of the villa with its light, providing a lovely warm patch for Shadi to sun herself. The feral Amasii purred as she stretched, her claws leaving little divots and...

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Legends of Hyrule: The Minstrel's Madam

Given a day to rest, Shadi was in very high spirits indeed as their little trio padded down the road towards the Rito village. Izyat padded along in the grass to their side, the black furred Keaton stopping to lazily snap at lizards and butterflies...

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Family matters within the Clan

Andrei smiled as he strode down what had once been a worn deer path, the very same path he and his sister had followed when they had gone hunting in the Springtime. Time and hundreds of trodding feet had broadened it into a road, with gutters along the...

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Renewed Instincts

Time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it? That's what everyone said at least, but even so, it seemed just... crazy to Kaycey that it had already been two months since she'd purchased this place. Two months the red furred vixen had been out here,...

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Clan and Family matters

THWACK! The arrow thudded loudly into the trunk of a thick evergreen tree, startling the young buck not a foot away from where the arrow had impacted. Frightened, the beast took off in a dash, bounding logs before it disappeared as fast as...

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The Warband: Fire and Bow

Aldrnari Pyrelight had never cared too much for Ascalon. The place was mostly ruined, and while it gave the younglings a good homeland to explore, defend, learn, and forge their warbands, he had never particularly cared for the land of his birth. The...

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Thyngu kehn - Species lore for Aimi

_Achara rolled her eyes, the Thai Dragoness uttering a sigh. There it was again! Did he have no mind at all to leave her in peace for simply five minutes? The scales that coated her body and tail seemed to ripple with her pent up irritation, brilliant...

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