The Beast called Nightmare Part 3

"ok can we stop with the evil planning stuff, we still have a birthday to celebrate" meg said trying to shake the gloom off everyone. "so sheba what did you want to get alex for his birthday" meg asked trying to pick which shop to hit next.

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Chapter V: Dusky Days

"the possibility about this matter consuming water that we are currently bathing in gaining sentience and then slowly devouring our flesh and the flesh of everyone who dared enter its waters to fuel its evil plans like the acidic stomach of a colossal, malicious

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Plaisir - Short - Fire of the Gods

With a laugh that bordered on truly wicked, october bundled up the flask and left the empty receptacles behind, dashing indoors with a gleeful look across his features as he impulsively indulged his impishly evil plan.

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Rey whimpered and pulled against the chains again, desperately trying to free herself before her friend could start her evil plans on her, but as before, she was unable to get out of the unyielding bonds that held her trapped in place, making her cry out in

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The Lust Moon

The thought went back to that lesbian loser of a co-worker tiffany remembering what she had seen the woman that she had seen drive up with the slut and an evil plan began to form in her mind.

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Finding A Catgirl - Parts 16-32

Of course the mad scientict died 20 years ago, and the robots were jsut carrying out his evil plans... isn't that how it always goes?" "heh, yea, i guess... i kinnda liked the robots and stuff too...

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Sonic The Hedgehog: The Series - Part 1

If robotnik could trick this echidna into giving him what he wanted, who knew what evil plan dr. robotnik would engage in? simple orders. collect the master emerald and leave. if she was allowed to keep it for herself, it would be a bonus.

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Slayers GD: Book 2-- Mage's Market Festival

If you think i would let you go completely unopposed with your evil plan, then you are gravely mistaken!" cassandra lectured. "now is not the time!" i shouted at her.

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Malefor and the Guardians

Even on his depowered state, the evil purple dragon had attempted one final trick to escape and resume his evil plans. he found a way to break out of his cell and try to make a run for it. however, the guardians were in there, all of them ready for him.

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Fun for the Holidays

He'd expected colleen to seize the moment, to have an evil plan!

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The Christmas Visit: Part 4

But all his henchmen are still roaming all over nakadashi tower, determined to succeed in their evil plan whether their boss is alive or not..." bob replied, sounding almost like he was trying to do a voiceover for a movie trailer. "spoilers..."

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