Chapter 1 - Survival of the Wimpiest
Book 1: the broken sword, it is 37 adp and from the broken streets of the independent city-state of rothan, 16-year-old andre valias is running, fleeing from danger and fighting for a future that transcends his shattering past.
The Spider & The Fox, Part I: Contentment
Even though she had nothing to compare it to, she still knew that the devotion and untainted affection between them transcended simple lust or physical desire... she cherished steve and savored every moment they they were together.
After Ivan
Character and plot are mine rose had just saw ivan transcend onto the next world. she could not believe it; she did not want to believe it. she unlatched his leg and bit him. that normally would wake him up. it did not work.
Adept Paws: The Last Journey
"there is nothing to do but meditate on their fate and prepare to transcend this plane of reality." he glanced down at the lake, where tiny boats drifted on shimmering water, where a fox, who hated fish, caught a cat's love in her nets.
DD's pornstar life: Prolouge
She was vocal, the talk was dirty, the action was fast and hard, but... show me footage where someone just lightly bites their lip, and my boner will transcend reality. bridgett started to shift on the bed, lying on her side.
Serval and Sheep (Chapter 29)
An outlier so bizarre that she transcends this code. while desmond doesn't like the idea of any carnie (even hafsa) to stick around the training room, he does feel like he owes the club's number-one fan this favor. it made peter very happy too.
Wake me up Inside
The food would spoil, and the wooden structure was most certainly not capable of transcending time. sonic also feared that the works of tails may be lost should arson be his choice.
You Only Live 18 Times - #3 (SpyJirra)
Some gestures transcended race. the secretary returned the insult and ra'jirra closed the door firmly behind her in mock anger. "ah! ra'jirra! come on in," em invited her.
Luna Chapter 26 - The Morning After
Making love to you is... transcendent. i've never experienced anything like it. it's like an addiction, every time we do it i want to do it again." luna kissed him and leaned into his chest, wrapping her arms around him.
Off the Record (Gay/Diapers)
You will always be able to love someone, and love will transcend petty differences and prejudices that we have in life. you can have someone who is gay, for instance, but you don't care if they're gay.
Throughout his years as a tiger, he had longed for a sensation of such magnitude, an ecstasy that transcended the boundaries of the known.
Rise of the Blessed Hyenas 1
Pleasure that transcended anything he had ever felt prior.