SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 7

major jaynard said bluntly. "who are you and how do you know so much?" t-bone asked. "this is major jaynard. sandeval bay federation sent him to be a mole in dark kat's operation. when we captured a group of dk's ninjas we caught him.

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Tale of Planet Omega 2064

They finally constructed domes over their major cities leaving the surrounding areas to rot and wither in the toxic air.

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A Waste of Desert Sand, Part Two

If you don't mind the boldness of trying to read your insignia and language, you're a major? major... ittenfall?" "issenvar, colonel. major tamut issenvar." the bear allowed a faint smile to crack his stern expression.

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Expedition: The Mask Falls

"you're a bad liar, major." he opened his eyes and looked at her. "excessive firepower is very much..." "_i did not say that!_" akeya snarled. "those are _not_ my words." "of course they're your words, major."

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Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 7

The vast majority of the station business deals with major issues regarding the races in general.

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The War ch11

Sevek gaped at the major, "what? i didn't do anything! he started it!" he babbled in a futile attempt to get away with it. the major looked at him coldly, "ohhh reaaaally? we have video recording and witnesses of what you did.

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Mercenaries and Corporate Entanglements

Pride said, turning and walking out of the workshop, clearly unconcerned, leaving the major behind.

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Chain of Command Ch.1 : New Arrivals

"my name is major carcer. you will refer to me as major, or sir. no exceptions. i will refer to you sorry lot, as maggots until i see proof to the contrary. any insolence or insubordination will not be tolerated by me.

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Mystic Pleasure 2

But it worked, considering that it set the polar bear off in a fit of giggles, and major friedkin took nearly a full minute to calm back down.

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Army Tragic

I am still your major." with a deep breath, he stood and headed for the flap. he stopped and turned back to look at his major. he then stood straight as he could and gave her stiffest, most perfect salute he could muster.

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