Perhaps sarah shouldn't have been impressed that a doctor would know this, but it seemed to come as a surprise to most non-feline people regardless of profession. "yeah, but don't feel bad about having some if you want. i don't mind waiting."
The feline people sabotaged some some of the ships, rendering them defenseless or simply making them crash into earth or moon. humans took the opportunity, the weaken enemy fell and by some miracle her people survived.
A Heroine's Struggle
Samson spat out as he walked from between the vehicles towards the crimson-suited feline. people around the intersection were staring now, some even gasped as he showed his face. mallory was sure that every one of them knew their history.
Big Cats in the Bedroom
They were both cats, but she was one of the most feline people he'd ever met, when she was in the right mood. sometimes she could be a little scary. in a hot way.
Private Time atop the College of Winterhold
He was a khajiit, a member of a race of feline people. his particular variety was bipedal, and he stood silently as his tail gently swung behind his robes. he felt like a misfit in his home city of rimmen, formerly a part of elsweyr.
Siriel's Exile to Wonderland Chapter I
I had seen giant bear people, little mouse people, canine people, feline people, a lot of a snow leopardess... a little more of a snow leopardess, avian people, equine people, and the list goes on.
Heat Cycle
He nuzzled his way down against van's stirring cock, covered by it's funny tube of skin and his hanging sac of smooth, wrinkled skin, purring in that funny, disjointed way his half-feline people had.
Chapter 1: An Urgent Meeting
Loupi: a wolf/canine like people, they have a large centralized kingdom that has existed for centuries ikati: a feline people, there are several tribes with drastically different appearances.
Unraveling His Persona
Additionally, the idea that he could find sexual appeal among other feline people, and a male feline at that, was something that would've never crossed his mind.
Unraveling His Persona
Additionally, the idea that he could find sexual appeal among other feline people, and a male feline at that, was something that would've never crossed his mind.