A Taste of the Cookie

A Taste of the Cookie For VeronicaFoxx By Draconicon "What do you mean, he said no?" Greta asked, the white wolf blinking. "I thought you -" "Apparently, he's the only 100% straight trucker on this entire stretch of...

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A Taste of Love

Rarity still remembered the shivers of excitement that raced through her the first time she saw Twilight's shining Castle of Friendship appear from beneath the ground. All her life she had been fascinated by Canterlot's splendor and refined culture,...

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Taste of Tongue

The wolf ducked into the sports bar with luck on his side, as the drizzling rain turned to pouring sheets just as the door snicked home. It was an establishment he had seen dozens of times but never entered before. It featured a cozy atmosphere:...

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A Taste of the Wild

Jarzyl moved forward in a low crouch, keeping her belly barely above the ground and holding her wings tightly furled against her back. "Sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak..." murmured the young dragon. Every movement she made was careful, calculated,...

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An Acquired Taste

Lacey was just there to visit her uncle's farm, having made plenty of mistakes, enough, in fact, that her mother had sent her there to keep her out of trouble, and she was grossed out, at first, by the fact that her uncle had only prized stallions,...

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A taste of Lycorys

[https://www.fur](https://www.fur)_Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between a male and a hermaphrodite, alongside other kinks which may not be of your liking. If this isn't your cup of tea, I suggest you go look for...

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Taste of Baker

There is nothing quite like the experience of giving someone the ultimate thrill in sensual and delectable delights. My new form allows me all sorts of opportunities for others to indulge in vices that may not seem so seemly among the civilized races....

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Boarish Taste

Shiroinami readied himself at the side of a river to catch and sell some more prize fish. He is a Kappa, so his green skin blends in with the brush at the river's side. His webbed digits were halfway between a turtle and human hands, so able to swim...

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A Taste Of Gazelle

(6 or so months later) I'm laying half on my side, half on my front, on the couch in the living room. This is to help rest my bulging belly, the cub inside me feels nice and heavy, a nice certainty of me and my mother's act. Not that I...

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Tasting The Waves

The sky was thick with heavy, leaden clouds which constantly threatened rain, but seldom did they deliver. The beach, normally a bustling ribbon of gold curving elegantly around the inside of the shallow bay, was all but deserted: only a handful of...

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A Taste of the Moon

Eli looked out into the oncoming night, the moon just barely visible as the sun began to set. It was that time of the month, those words having a distinct meaning for the man as he felt the internal stirrings of his beast once again. No matter how many...

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The First Taste

Markus looked at his drink with a sigh, conscious of all the other guys around who seemed to be enjoying themselves quite a bit more. It wasn't often that he went to Cruise, but a couple of friends had persuaded him to grab his barely-used...

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