Liquid Lycanthropy
The ship had landed in the salt flats, the pilots revealed themselves and the rest was history, almost painfully dull history. the lycans, as they had come to be known by humans, had not resisted the government at all.
Dran and Mist - Chapter Three - Hellbound
They seem to be massing on the salt flats but the column is heading southwards into the black islands... see that your superiors know this. we can talk later."
Lonely Oak Chapter 87
The transition occurred as the boy walked along the cobblestone path, amidst what appeared to be a rain-slicked salt-flat. the path below him became covered by water.
Between Worlds: Chapter 4
The light faded as fast as it appeared and as molus' eyes adjusted, the forest was replaced with the familiar sight of the the salt flats. the hot sun beated down on him as a series of convulsions hit him. "it will pass."
Chapter 6: Boderlands
The salt flat stayed the same for majority of the trip, but that didn't bother me too much.
Between Worlds: Chapter 1
It was a defensible position that sat atop a singular plateau that allowed him to see any approaching force for miles since they would have to march across salt flats that went all the way to the horizon.
Two Years
That would be something to make the civilized world seem worse-off than verde, with its endless expanses of salt flats, loose sand, ugly mesas and lifeless saltwater._ _first to go as hope decayed was hygiene.
The Metamorph planet Pt1
#113 of exploration two weeks after a fun filled trip to bonneville salt flats to test everyone's vehicles at full tilt, we were informed by silverine that we would be taking the hunted on a trip to a new planet.
Bonneville: Sex and Speed 2
The raptors tried gainly to follow, but i clicked up to mach 3, and flew low and fast following the interstate 80 towards salt lake city.the jsf pulled a vertical landing next to the miniature township that had sprung up around the salt flat, and as i flashed
Chapter Six
There were no large animals that she could see and almost no cover for any that would care to take up residence so close to the salt flats.
Bonneville: Sex and Speed
They have a speed limit here, so no drag racing on the highway, that's what the salt flats are for. wendover is ten miles away, but we will only stop for ten minutes to get our bearings.then onto bonneville.
CE04 - culture
[the salt flats are actually redundant for the mainland and a ruse for the desert empire. the mainland only desires an import of it as a luxury good (different mineral composition makes it taste different).