A Changed Life
I came to your room to prep you for ze bonsetting procedure, followed by conversion into an 'aeromorph', as i have heard some of my compatriots refer to flugzueg weibsbild." my blood ran cold at that. aeromorph?!
Birthday Gift - Concorde Unit
Seven, being an aeromorph, specifically a fa-18/b, could take the most rough-housing, and as a result, fenris tended to be more aggressive with her. she had some repair abilities, but sometimes parts got too damaged and needed to be replaced.
Interrogating Impregnation
Dragged in for interrogation, an aeromorph coudl never have anticipated that she would leave with a bun in the oven... --- this story has been available for early reading one to two months ago on subscribestar and patreon (subscribestar contains extreme content
Commission - The Mercenary
The siege had lasted for days. Mortars had stopped falling after the first day, once King Abioye had displayed a few villagers' corpses upon his mansion walls. He had taken that, originally, as though the matter was settled and any further assaults on...
Ideas in lieu of an actual story
aeromorphs eat scrap and gunpowder, while drinking oil. essentially consuming the raw components necessary to keep them fully stocked with comventional ammo.
New console in town
Here is a werewolf being turned into a ps4 mech, if you've ever seen renthedragon's aeromorphs thats kinda the vibe i was going for with the look of the ps4 morph a very kinda soft transformers feel, anyway!
The Porn Note, Chapter 13: Problems Inherent in the System
The Porn Note Chapter 13: Problems Inherent in the System By Draconicon He never received a response from Jonah, so Malcolm didn't know if he was going into Hell or if he was going to somewhere safe. In either case, there was...
FAT32: upgrading your wolfdog
Icowom's breaths came in long, heavy whooshes. The confines of her visor and head-mask, circulating her warm air to wash over her face. The derelict station her jump pod had docked with was, apparently, filled with a breathable atmosphere! At least,...
Ideas in Lieu of an actual story #2
He scrambles for a bush as the whole form bends in on itself, folding almost like a transformer as it realigns into an aeromorph. guy is stunned as she gains female proportions, but retains the cockpit.
A Good Enough Christmas Story
Are they like those aeromorph planes with penises, only for trucks?" "no, they're...wait, how the fuck do _you_ know about aeromorph porn?" the dragon shrugged his wings. "i get the internet when i'm here, you know!" "not any more you don't."