Medical Procedure.
Both human and herm foxtaur walked into the clinic and approached the desk, which was occupied by a chakat. seeing the 2 arrivals, shi looked up and smile. "may i help you sir and ma am?" shi replied.
Clinical Regression (Prologue)
#1 of clinical regression even as i write, my mind floods with idealistic deviance.
Clinical Trial & Error
Think of it this way: we're not a clinic in the sense that we diagnose folks and write prescriptions, we're more a private research firm.
Cuckold Fertility Clinic
As a final act before medical intervention, they take a trip to a fertility clinic across town and meet with dr. lasalle, a ram with a questionable set of credentials and large set of horns.
Homemade Fertility Clinic
Homemade fertility clinic "alright. everything is set, so this is your last chance to back out. are you sure this is what you want?" "yes, m'lady." "hehe... come on, jesse. you know there's no titles when we're talking consent. do you want it?"
Clinical Trials - Horse
**clinical trials - horse** written by: skabaard the doctor adored horses. they so elegantly combined majestic beauty and wild, aggressive power.
One Single Day: Lilly
It was true that combat healing was different than clinical healing.
Wolf For Rent Fertility Clinic
Wolf For Rent By Otteronymous Dear Mrs. Keller: We appreciate your interest with Invitrion Inc. and with Jeremiah in particular. As per your inquiry, I would like to reassure you that you're getting not only the finest deal in Male on Male...
Snuffbortion Clinic Grand Opening
Xan's brand new snuff abortion clinic is open for business, but the doctor faces a few surprising customers on his first day on the job.
Pet Clinic After Hours
Where they would ordinarily leave and go their separate ways, desmond instead followed helios to the other side of the clinic.
"The Clinic" Opening Teaser & Sign up Opportunities!
#1 of the clinic heya guys! here it is, the opening 'teaser' for my new series "the clinic", with multiple spots available for your characters to feature their own short little side spots! here's how this is going to work.
Richard the Bat
Richard thought back all those years ago when the euthanasia clinics were first opened. the government of the world in an effort to reduce the population after its historic peak of thirty billion, created the clinics to reduce the excess population.