Not just another Growth Pill story
Then he moved his muzzle over to crunch's ear and whispered "flex for me" and crunch did, starting with a double bicep, but as he then let go, his muscles never fell back in size.
Pelvic Punch, Nasal Crunch
He pulled maxwell in as close as he could, subjecting the rodent's face to one last wet crunch. maxwell yelped in pain and sobbed inelegantly around the pokemon's penis.
Crunching Leaves and Making Kittens
Soren crunched his way around the two of them and crouched, his attention focused on wes. he reached under robin's chest and scratched behind his boyfriend's ear, causing him to purr louder.
At the Feet of the Dragon God
"crunch!" with a loud and sickening crack of bone, the dragon crushed the wolf-sacrifice in his jaws with as much force as he could.
Dignified Supreme Crunch (Otherwise Untitled)
~ handling the flimsy fork and knife with a delicate grace seldom wielded against such things with 'supreme' and 'crunch' in their title, da calmly set about apportioning the burrito into something he more closely regarded as food.
DDD Day 23 The Misteria Grill Micro and Castration Menu
Welcome to day 23 of Destroy Dick December! If you've read day 9's piece, the Misteria University Winter Castration Festival (available here: []( you may recognize...
Kaiju Crunch - Taranth Kaiju Sergal TF
"kaiju crunch?" he pondered, looking over the packaging - true to its name, it had a kaiju of some kind on the wrapper. "heh, maybe she does know me all too well..."
Ironic Feline End (Trade)
The worst was the second micro, as kane was forced to helplessly watch as he got thrown inside and the sound of his screams were exchanged with the sound of bones crunching and wet squelching of his organs turning to mush.
Crunch Those Muscles with Rad Drago Boy
crunch those muscles!" ooh those muscles, so strong and manly, rhiana's heart quivered.
Crash's New Pet Plant
crunch had a much bigger cock than him and the plant was dutifully taking the length and thickness past its lips. crunch was groaning even louder now, gripping the arm of the couch as a surge of pleasure was felt by him.
Cry Me a Murder (Part four) : A Strange Crunching Underfoot
That night I played in the hotel bar. I played the guitar and a local musician by the name of Raymundo joined me on the keys. Going by the impromptu stage name of Sunny Dan and the Rayman, we played a bunch of jazz standards right out of _the Real...
Cry Me a Murder, Part III - a Strange Crunching Underfoot
**a strange crunching underfoot** _previously: in that moment, a loud scream rang out from somewhere inside the hotel, and we froze mid-sentence.