4 - Brian catches a break

R: did you see theres some pics with gizelle in them brian looked through the pictures in the professor's site and found gizelle occasionally in the background. he found older and older pictures with gizelle younger and younger.

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 3

"adam," yuri handed back the pictures, "i heard of long-distant relationships, but... you should know, they're really difficult to maintain."   "yeah," adam replied as he took back the pictures, "i know that."   "have you...

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the unnamed ch 4 We Meet Again

Among the dressers were pictures, the pictures resembled a familiar looking lab and a white fox enjoying each other's company. the room was well lighted but it had a smell of rotted dust.

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Shye Goes to School (chapter 1)

He looked up and saw big, wooden squares on the walls like pictures. but there were other pictures - real pictures - stuck to them. pictures of rainbows and destriers and caudal families done in crayons and paint.

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London Entry #1 - First Date - Part 3

Ian was into taking pictures of furs. he loved capturing raw, pure emotion. the picture he had gotten submitted was actually a series of pictures under this theme of emotion.

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Mom to the rescue!

Get me those pictures and i'll text you what to do next. you are going to come out like a hero after this so you better have something special planned for me when i get home."

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A New Life Chapter 1

Albus sat on the edge of his bed, shirtless and feeling slightly nervous as his friend cycled through the pictures they had taken.

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Photo Booth

He also noticed that, on the very bottom of the pages where their pictures were posted, was a statement that said the pictures belonged to the website. there was also something else jeremy noticed, or rather, a lack of something he noticed.

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A Different Kind of Romance

Instead of a simple acknowledgement that he'd done wrong and an accepting of his apology, the tigress had decided to send him some pictures instead. but not just any pictures.

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"we've got some pictures to take." since there wasn't a good way to take pictures with both of them in them, sam propped up his phone and set it to record video instead- he could always get some screenshots out of it later.

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Exposure - Chapter Nine

Can you imagine what great pictures you could take for the annual in there after the last game of the season?" "coach doesn't let anyone take pictures in the locker room," jason said. "he even put signs up."

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The Fixer - Revenge Porn

She stopped taking pictures and selfies altogether. within those few days she went digital cold-turkey.

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