“Familiar Surroundings” (Male Feral Wolf TF)

I saw with pleasure as the little hair i had on my chest now sported a double-layered coat of the same shade of dark brown hair. i tickled all over, still laughing and giggling in my erotic fantasy come true.

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Rise Of The Maou: Chapter 006

The last two items consisted of a sleeveless almost black undershirt, likely made from some form of cotton or light wool and to put over it was a tanned leather jacket, again parts of it had a double layer stitching for protection on certain areas, or perhaps

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Summer Heat – Chapter 3: Busted

It looked like a double layer underwear with some soft filling and at the edges it gripped deeply into the fur of mara to be tight around her skin.

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Horsing around

Absently she adjusted the front of her tank top to insure it covered her large breasts the same, the nub of her pierced and therefore perpetually erect nipples poking through the double layer of fabric.

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A Trio of Smaller, Separate Stories (With 3 Illustrations!)

Conversely, the other part of the bottom hem, the front flaps, were extra wide so as to be able to come together into a double layer of protectively-treated material over the wearer's front.

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Don and Jake - Chapter 8

When his feet were both wet and cool all over, the big chestnut-colored bear poured hot wax all over them, causing the poor wolf to struggle furiously and try to shout through the muzzle and double layer of socks.

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Centaurus Chapter 17

Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, the massive ropes of white just poured and poured and flooded into flora, filling her out further and further, the smooth skin of her belly filling out the lamia's womb more and more in a double-layered cum pregnancy until the

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Bondage Warehouse Slave (alternate ending)

It had started to seem like hours to sallem though, she was panting heavily and sweating profusely in the double layer of latex, being brought to the edge of orgasm again and again was draining her excitement, as well as her stamina.

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Shy 1: The First Day Always Sucks

And he got a glimpse of a pointed pink tip before he sat up quickly, tearing his eyes from the sight, and went to the small closet he'd been provided to remove his bed clothes and dug out the bottle of shampoo he had to use to take proper care of his thick double-layered

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The Homing Capture Balloon

Finally, the balloon finished wrapping it's inflated rubber around helenas body, trapping her in a tight double layered rubber chamber, allowing the balloon to squeeze her even tighter!

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Guardians Downfall Chapter 27

Akutenshi could hear the sound of thunder and looked up to see a dark cloud forming above him and haki and he bolted to haki's side and they both raised their right paws upwards forming a double layered shield as small meteors began to pour from the clouds

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V Stands For Victor

Her clothes were rather plain, a white dress, double layered around the bottom, just a little frilly. perhaps she was one of the new servants his mother had hired.

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