Ten, Nine, Eight...

fucking flight! but there was nowhere to go! i felt cornered, trapped in my own little prison. too embarrassed to get up and run, and not calm enough to just hitch my pants up. worse of all?

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Chapter 14: Turning Tails

To her knowledge dragons never entwined their tails in this fashion, save perhaps during a mating flight. but they were not engaged in a mating flight, nor were they about to: were they?

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Scion and the Alpha

It was not as if isiat hadn't experienced several of scion's mating flights when the dragon had recounted his experiences to the vulpine, sharing the memories between them, and in the same way, it was not as if scion did not have intimate knowledge of shadi

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With These Broken Wings: Chapter 8

"the mating flights are held away from here, it always sets the younger males to fighting before they're sent on to the birthing grounds." "and who sets up the pairs?"

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Back in The Saddle

More than he could hope to actually fly with, especially since a proper draconic mating-flight was a lengthy and exhausting affair. so he'd started picking out the ones he took out for a flight by posing 'challenges' for his suitors.

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The Age of Fire: Adventures of Octavia

Many of the dragonelles were mad with the need to find a mating flight, many of whom wanted nothing more than to escape and have a cave to claim as their own with a mate and a bellyful of eggs.

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"the fucking flight attendant blew himself up!" the captain's words left his copilot speechless for a moment. now the true gravity of the situation hit home for the collie. they were really in trouble.

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A Delayed Layover

"only when my fucking flight is delayed. are you forgetting we have one more flight after this one?" "you mean you have one more flight after this one.

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The Seeker, Chapter 33

"she was my life mate; we had just been on our mating flight when the great battle came. i issued forth with the others to do battle, and she and some others remained to guard the domain.

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Halo: FUBAR Chapter 01 - Odd Man Out

When i hit the ground, the pain-ride wasn't over, because i tumbled down three fucking flights of fucking stairs. the world spiralled and tumbled around me in a blur of colour, punching me from all sides.

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Story Time: Are You Being Attended?

A thoroughly fucked flight attendant was purgatory brezoianu's art after all, and that was how she signed her work. "now then," purgatory hopped on the neighboring seat, bunching up the dark pantyhose, grateful for the give inherent to the fabric.

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