Looking for Work

I will not be anyone's willing victim." not again at least if she had any say in it. she was pretty sure she had been in the past. he flicked his own tail in a negative way. "i am not asking you to be a victim.

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The Filly Breeder

The leather binding her wrists down and the pad beneath her chin, holding her head and neck at what was supposed to be the most comfortable angle, was scuffed and worn, though not insufficient to hold her willing victim hostage.

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The Left Testicle of Buddha

Kodyax sucks on keiko's tits as he fucks her with the authority of a horn bear taking on a willing victim.

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Serenity Base Pilot part 3

And for this game i'm going to need a willing, or not so willing, victim. and i chose..you.' colbalt grinned gleefully, pointing at amy. 'cobalt...i'm not sure you can do that.' lena retorted. 'oh? you think? my castle, my rules remember.

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Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Fourteen

His indoctrination slash brainwashing works better on a willing victim. cubnaping your sons will make it harder to trick them into joining him." merrik explained. "if not them then who? these b.o.t.s. guys?" leggo asked.

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Make Him Feel Pretty

When the pleading canine whimpers became shrill howls, brigg at last released his willing victim, removing his fingers from the abused anus with a wet _pop_.

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Tank - Part 4 - The Fashion Bug

His balls slapped the ass of the willing victim loudly, echoing off the walls of the booth, the mirror reflecting the scene and it would be the only witness. "get ready...i'm going to shoot..."

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Chapter 29 - Is This.....?

Even if you had willing victims or if you used wyrm infested ones, you're still committing an act that goes against the very principle of being a good guy." i say. lawrence looks at me for a few seconds.


Cub Market Two: A Skunk's Tale

As he looked down the line of willing victims he shook his head. he passed disappointed faces and left with out a purchase for the third time this week.

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Weird Dreams - Anders

Moving like bolts, the three bears went to a stand located behind anders, which held upon it a range of toys, restraints and disciplinary devices, all for the soul pleasure of screwing with the willing victim.

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