The feral three, a Savage the tiger story.

Whatever was really going on - mind control, evil twins, whatever - men were dying, and savage rumbled a warning to technocoon as he stepped around the corner. the raccoon wasted no time firing the cannon.

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Many Tiny Sparks: Chapter 10

Wasn't giving my nearly identical evil twin if not for the snow white hair sitting cross legged across from me the same look was anyone's guess. i would. especially considering that fucker was levitating as if he was a freaking helium balloon.

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Visit to the zoo 1st part

"loupy has always the thickest diapers." said remy the evil twin. "that make him the toughest then. ok, i'm good with loupy and the gang." said marcus. "loupy for the win." said pilou the sleepy pup.

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Transcendence Chapter 2

"maybe he has an evil twin?" optimist suggested with a shrug. "it's surprisingly common these days. more so since supers are now out and about publicly." "oooh!"horndog squealed. "leather-play!" jason ignored horndog and smiled faintly towards kyle.

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The Tale of Sydran Part 2 (Anonymously Commissioned)

In the nude, jayron almost looked like sydran's evil twin, with a darker grey belly, sharper scales, and a leaner physique with less muscle and fat.

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Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 9

But if junior was the one already sporting a goatee, what would the 'evil' twin sport? a full beard? or maybe a wicked-ass mustache like dick dastardly?

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Mind Over

I brought up a video of him beating the fuck out of the nazis from earth 13 and the evil twin of boom lab. i handed the phone to him, he reached forward and gingerly took it. "that's your dad," i said bluntly. "he died being a superhero."

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