Springtime (Part 2)

The unintelligible, teasing comments hurt him, but the stares were worse.

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The Sentries

Suja, not dignifying her sister's teasing comment with a response, perched herself up into triller's lap once more and rubbed his tip against her slick, ready folds.

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Eric and Milo: Milo's Turn

He didn't say anything to signify the change, he was far past the proper state of mind for teasing comments, but he began to speed up his thrusts into eric's backside as he prepared for what was shaping up to be one hell of a climax.

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Beyond the Weekend

Why would they have taken such delight in vocally expressing sexually explicit and teasing comments as they ran their feet all over the panther's nude and obviously aroused body?

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Many Tiny Sparks: Chapter 3

Neither will make teasing comments about it to them later. suddenly rose huffs irritably "well!? we don't have all day you know! i was promised a show and i'll be very cranky if i don't get one soon."

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Gehart's First Party: Commission

Gehart's ears perked up and his eyes widened, the teasing comment earning a pulse of his dick and a hard buck of his hips. "fuck yeah!" he shouted upwards at khen and pushed up hard once more.

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Dire Consequences: Chapter 01

Who had the guts to offer a teasing comment, now? evidently not jess, who seemed suddenly cognisant of how -far- this playful game was taking them. katie, on the other hand, had to endure the fact she was now meant to follow through on the challenge.

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Candy Treats Ch.2 - Double the Trouble

"damn cubi", she uttered her favourite teasing comment. now she shuddered with cold and pleasure, inching her thighs apart gasping at the duel impact of his tail and thumb. "stop teasing me". "but it's what i'm best at."

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Tail's of The Crimson Claw- Chapter 7

His smile and wink betrayed his teasing comment, the bear had been warned by sasha what to expect with this slave and the extra care that would be needed wile watching him.

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Avatar Na'vi: Hunter's Hunted

However, she only briefly endured his teasing comments about why she was not going to help him with her mouth if it was all really that important to her, and before either of them knew what had happened she was on all fours next to him, sucking him off.

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