Still Life

The skunk had only snapped out of it to come to his senses when he'd seen the reptilian archivist kill someone right in front of him, to protect an abandoned building slated for demolition at that, and he'd run for his life without looking back.

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Ellis's Berries Part I

#1 of ellis's berries an archivist sits, weary of stew she finds fruit, the stew puns begin. ellis's knees pressed into the soft earth, beside a tree and a few bushes.

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Battle For Humanity Chapter 1: Hell on Kalos

Civil right's archivist?" " . . . close enough." **downtown lumiose city** jeeve scowled as he drove around downtown lumiose city.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 9: Ancient Knowledge

"moving work, as an archivist, is not only to preserve the works of my forefathers, but also to continue it. argoons, unlike the parusans and the cerbesans, are isolated and mostly avoid fighting, at least for those living in nia baleth.

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Book One of Rabbits Part 1 of 29 "The Fingerprint Of Nature's Breath?"

Fix our young archivist's errors for tonight's dream. the anomaly should be visiting him, and we best keep him hard and sensitive if it's to happen with her."_ "_okay, eth'dolamere. i'm severing the connection and letting him wake up."_

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the house of dar-sek

I decided that i needed a rest so i left the house and returned to the town, i went to the town hall and asked for information about the house i was studying, the archivist's records yielded very little, only that it's last owner was in 1937.

How it Ends.

The transition was not an easy one, nor a clean one, but here, her passion for the arts met its match, as she helped copies and transcriptions of the past meet archivists and historians of the present.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Twenty

I will have to inform the archivists at majestic that their records are wrong. they have you listed under dalton kremshaw." d.k.'s eyes went wild with anger. "what did you say to me, you stupid, pasty little..."

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Starwind present

Still, i marked them as belonging to the healers or archivists rather than one of the martial tiers within the arcanist caste.

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Interview with Rykela, the Breeding Dragoness

For example, my twins brightstone and fondmist are mages, since they have the ability to see aura and read memories, and my daughter tirede is an "archivist", sort of like what you'd call a historian, anthropologist, and museum curator all rolled into one.

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Jackie Frillove's Interview with a Breeder Dragoness

For example, my twins brightstone and fondmist are mages, since they have the ability to see aura and read memories, and my daughter tirede is an "archivist", sort of like what you'd call a historian, anthropologist, and museum curator all rolled into one.

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