Dismal Days

She did wonder how her father would feel about his daughter making it to castelia university, and julie planned to accomplish more. she would never know. it wouldn't stop her, but it did dishearten her a little.

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Chapter 3: The Insect Badge...

I had no idea why bianca was here in castelia city before i was. cilan, who had never before heard of team plasma, was curious. "is this team plasma a really big problem?" i sighed, exasperated. "they are starting to become one, yes."

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Setting Up

#8 of hidden lifestyle a company called unovanish is in charge of keeping castelia city free of feral pokémon through practices the owner's daughter disagrees with strongly.

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The Rift 1:Fire and Flames by AnonEmis

They were to dock there, at castelia city. han rubbed the volcano pokémon's coarse fur, which was comfortably warm despite the downpour, before speaking.      "there's no argument here ty, this storm is absolutely crazy.

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Chapter 7

First stop is castelia city. hm.. takes me back. tenshi flew to all eight of the cities with gyms, and locations where ghetsis made his speeches. it took us a while to undo what he had done.

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Chapter Four: Failed Fertilization

#4 of castelia's daycare services "welcome to castelia's daycare services! please ignore all rumors on how we perform experiments on all pokemon. we treat all pokemon equally and assign them to a room to their liking with others.

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The Rift 2: Blood, Drugs, and Tears by AnonEmis

No, he realized, he was outside, on castelia city's dock. that meant he was on a stretcher. he risked a look around, nearly blacking out from the pain in his stiff neck.

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Pokemon Unevolved - Chapter 6

castelia was her next goal anyways and that meant she didn't had to pay for a ticket herself.

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Home Late

"does he go to castelia?" julie would be paranoid daily if he did, so she hoped he was lying when he said so. "used to, years ago. he must have caught wind of the party and came hoping to take a younger teen home.

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Free Day

But at castelia university? julie wouldn't dare risk her place here. it wasn't worth it in high school and definitely wasn't now. they had their own room when they wished to have sex, but maybe things were getting too boring.

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Don't Let The Music Die

"castelia center. you were in a plane crash last night. you're quite fortunate." a center. of course. and the plane. yes, she'd been flying to castelia. wait, the nurse had understood her? "how are we talking?"

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