029 - Prime pt.12

chord places her talon over her face chuckling. -so you're deffo one of them transexes? asks gris, solidifying his trying his best himbo status to the group. -i mean i guess? i feel like a woman now i look like this?

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The Lion's Police Problems

Well, they only had themselves to blame as perhaps the loudest, most drawn-out guitar-chord in police department history ripped through the air.

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The Gentleman

Jazz chords, classic chords, whatever my paws see fit to do. sometimes, i turn off entirely, and what the guitar wills- is. i lost myself in concentration, playing a few of the songs i had drilled for the concerts and exhibitions.

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023 - Prime pt.06

Either way butters started enjoying themselves, putting their vocal chords through the ringer, letting themselves go. oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh, dig your fangs in my neck bbaayybbeeee~??

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Rangertale, Ch.9: Ancient Power

Soon the chord came to an end, the door disappeared from view, and a massive chamber came into view.

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The Sexy Piano Tutor

Besides...milo kinda liked sitting on that quite the narrow bench, their elbows often brushing while the lion played the chords on the other end of the keyboard and... ...yeah.

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The Perfect Harmony II: A Major Chord Turned Minor

Disclaimer: blah blah blah... 1,995 words the perfect harmony part ii: ======================a major chord turned minor================== my alarm clock went off, pulling me, rather reluctantly, back into reality.

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On Thin Ice - Ch. 2

You said you can play a few chords?" "it's been a while but yeah." "grab that guitar and let's have some fun. i've got some guitar picks on my dresser in the room further down the hall."

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Anatomical Anachronisms: Chapter 5: Severed Resonance

Then, as it reached a crescendo, she repeated several notes in a rhythm and changed the air chords under them more frequently.

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Pool Mates Part II

I gazed down and saw the pattern, smiling to myself, recognizing it as the first chord to a relaxed, yet quick impromptu by chopin i'd memorized a few weeks back.

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It Ends in Cold Water

He let the weights fall slowly, visibly straining the chords in his arms, causing every surface-oriented vein to bulge fiercely.

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