On Colonizing Part 2

The fact that he has managed any relation to carol at all is nothing short of anomalous. however they have also been making an earnest go at establishing a colony.

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an endless voyage continued ch 26

"a few anomalous power readings, but nothing large enough to be the mercenary fleet." "keep scanning." the captain ordered. "helmsman, ahead one quarter sub-light, lets scan the next sector."



Towards the back were anomalous objects: a table, and on it was alchemical equipment. the person walked over to the table. "do we get real answers now?" kardonyth asked. the person pulled out a dagger.

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Valewood Eyrie Communiques, a POSC crossover with Zmeydros.

Please contact director level personnel for release. 09/24/2020 re: anomalous 10khz broadcasts at your site. dear [redacted], please disregard the brief spike in 10kz emissions.

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Molleen's secret

Sill, for some anomalous reason, she looked, for a k-9, to be only sixteen. her coat was still shiny, her spots were still a rich black, no grey could be found around her muzzle, and she still acted like she was constantly loaded on caffeine.

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Pokemon Sexual Type Characteristics Reference

Report any suspected sightings of anomalous type immediately. quarantine all affected individuals (relevant to "revenant" series) ??? type are the result of genetic instability.


Lime: 4

Ship lime was anomalous to them because, until then, they had been working with augmented humans. they hadn't known this and the failed breeding others had partaken in had left the humans dead as well as their own kind.


Star Hunter Gunndis Ch 3

The crewman gulps, "my lord, i'm detecting a small anomalous metallic object floating dead in space. no power signature, but the outline matches the information we have on the star maiden's main hull."

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XIII: Every Beginning Has An End

On top of it, most are of a mythical, magical, or anomalous origin. it's only natural for chimeras to be rare outside of their mystical circle. after all, how can two parents give birth to offspring with several different species' traits?

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