Prayer and Demon 7 - Sparring and a Visiting Saint

As they watched, the entrails began to slide...not _down_ his arm so much as _into_ his arm, absorbing flesh and blood and all.

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After the Birthday

Pongo begins to push his penis slowly; it enters in the entrails of tripod in the presence of dipstick and lucky.

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 35

He then raised this hunter over his head, and tore him in half from the waist, blood and entrails flying everywhere as the dragon let out another fiery roar, covering himself in blood! bishop looked over at the rest of the group.

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And that's all we want, everything we could hope for, chest heaving in a high that is lost in the moment, panting for the past even as the bloody entrails of it are sliced free. sometimes, letting go is brutal. you wouldn't understand that.

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Random: the funniest story in a long time

The bunny began to crawl away trying to get to the bathroom knowing that if he could he could force all his entrails into himself with the plunger he might live a bit longer for this to only happen to him again.

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A shadow ripped apart the great beast, roars muffled by the sound of entrails splattering upon the ground. the great lizard stumbled, shuddered, then keeled over. the cause of it's death, no where to be seen or found.

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The Xenomorph Saga Chapter 1: Lost and Found

Bodies were everywhere and the float was coated in a layer of dried blood and entrails. mark walked over to the closest body and checked it. "sarge, you seeing this? single round to the head. execution.

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Dragon roadkill

He didn't notice his entrails leaking out from his ruined belly, or the blood pooling underneath him. he couldn't understand why he couldn't breathe - not realising his diaphragm was torn and a lung punctured.

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The King's Entertainment (Snuff Edition)

No entrails exposed. he looked side to side, noticed he's in the same room as before when he was first brought back to life... somehow.

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