
The serpentine part of her tail was wrapping itself around his calves, not so much keeping them from moving as it was keeping itself away from his now unsheathed footclaws.

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The Girls' Pt. 7

His lips drew back, teeth bared as his footclaws dug into the concrete, and he pounded in right through. when the orgasm washed past, he was hypersensitive-- enough for anyone to withdraw, before the sensation became too intense to be comfortable.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 6 - Shadows in the Snow

Forcing his footclaws through, he roared to encourage his spirit onwards, shooting out a streak of fire before him with one hand while holding the bumpty with the other over his shoulder.

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Take Me Home

footclaws dug into the rug from spread legs, tail coiling and whipping the floor behind him in sheer pleasure.

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Gargoyles: Hanging by a Thread

Angela was tapping her footclaw angrily now, "we need to get going. now." her foot made a pointedly time crunch into the solid stone of the side of the building.

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Chapter Sixteen - The Truth Comes Out

I said as i looked down, scratching the ground with my footclaws. "and when you peed on my human clothes that other day, and i picked them up... i acted mad then too, but when you weren't looking, i hugged it... even though it was soaked...

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She sunk her footclaws into the sheets too, flexing her thighs and her calves. if she tightened her body like this, maybe it would speed up the process.

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A Day at the Office

Her cleanly-manicured footclaws tapped lightly on the tile every time she took a step, reverberating slightly as she picked a shower nozzle to stand under. a few taps on the wall later, the nozzle burst to life with a spray of water. "ack!

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Sent Down Pt. 3

Her toes rolled and scrunched, bunching up his hair and combing it in between as her footclaws nicked his hide. finally, her foot hopped off and landed next to him. "hold this."

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The Stalker (RP log)

- that is about all a raptor in his position manages to let out with his face and throat and chest and stomach (and arms) full of one of your crushing feet, the saurian struggling terribly in order to get away from these fucking dangerous footclaws being way

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Tale of the Winter Prince Chapter 1: A Boy, His Dog, and Their Dragon

Trusting the hound's intuition, the feline emerged from his hiding place and quickly joined the other two anthroes as hachiko gently placed the blue scale on his footclaws. "who... who are you?" i asked, feeling timid around these two strangers.

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Fyr's Night Out

Her footclaws touched down on the cool concrete just outside of the bar. she looked up at the sign, blinking even in the broad daylight with its neon signs advertising cold beer.

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