Burn With Me

_"Burn with me...."_ The soft whisper was a stark contrast to the equines' livid gaze. His gentle utterance could have been mistaken for a seductive suggestion, if not for the purest animosity in the pale horses' silver orbs and its flaring white...

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Burning up for Rapidash

Simply beating down another stallion would not guarantee him the breeding rights to the herd of rapidash and adult ponyta mares, but there was no room for an outsider on his territory.

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An Infernape's Love

And bounce i did; i rode my trainer like a rancher riding a ponyta, my small a-cup breasts lightly jiggling behind the metal armor i wore.

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Luna's Summer Vacation 5: Dawn of the Second Day

Well, she wasn't about to look a gift ponyta in the mouth, she couldn't anyway, the dried gunk felt like she went diving in a vat of glue, couldn't even turn her head without little flakes of it breaking off.

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Buried in the Lucario (Lum's Christmas Ch 1 rewrite)

A few trainers were in the room, along with a ponyta and golduck. one of the trainers was casually fingering the ponyta's ass while talking to another human, the golduck watching the ponyta lustfully.

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Lily Loves Pokemon - Chapter 8

The ponyta i'd fucked had pushed me to my limit, but i wanted badly to give rapidash more than the modest handjob i'd given him before.

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pokemon fun

On the way they passed a female ponyta. "hi jess" antony called out "hi" jess replied. in the lunch hall the three friends and jess sat together and talked about what they have been doing today. "i whip alistair today 7:0! my best score!"

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My Charizard part 2

Some pokémon were around, one was a fire type, a ponyta. it turned its head at me and seemed to sniff at me. then give me a puzzle look. i didn't understand but when i took a breath i smelt it; charizard scent. how was this possible!

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A change for the Better

ponyta,geodude,machop?" (erin could use a machop xd) "see for your self." .....(im doing pov's again yay).....(erin's pov cosmi was laughing her little head of. "whats so funny?" then a image of a glaceon popped in my head.

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Another Invasion

Fill her until she's spitting cum," a ponyta called out as the ninetales got herself into a more steady rhythm. it wasn't a very hard one to start, but it was certainly getting the job done.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Floaroma Town and Honey

My first opponent was a camper who sent out s ponyta and i sent out my buizel having him use water gun defeating ponyta. next a hiker challenged me with three geodude and i sent out my cherubi having him use leafage defeating the three geodude.

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