Spirit of the Blood Forest (rough draft)

He traveled out to a hut to an old local soothsayer with whom he trusts.

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A Dance of Silk and Flame

A few tents for the smaller performers and soothsayers and a massive big top of some sort for the main attraction brought up in a strange shape. music began to travel through the air while strange scents and sighs wafted from one of the smaller tents.

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Lost in a Book - Commission for WanderingWastelander

It was deep and smooth like a soothsayer's. in spite of the cruel force in which it held on to charro, it sounded pleasingly polite. it didn't sound like it came from any direction.

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The Tale of Sydran Part 2 (Anonymously Commissioned)

The crowd gradually dispersed, and sydran headed for the tent of the local alchemist/witch/soothsayer. he'd only seen her a few times, but he knew from reputation that she was an outsider like him who arrived three years ago.

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The Traveling Slave pt4

"tell me shadi, did your clan in the plains have a soothsayer or shaman?" the sudden change of topic caught her off guard, and she hesitated a moment.

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The Call of the Ancients

At least five times did the king refuse to see this soothsayer. then when he was finally brought before the king, he was starving. so, in his final breath he said to seek the six ways, find this one of six streams.

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Motherly Love 6: Danceing around lies.

Nbsp; a book glided from her purse, off the polished pine corner table, it's face opening pages rich in content as kerry sat down into a recliner with intentions of indulging in soothsayings

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Blasting Zone 2 - Strike the Earth

"ohhhh i beg to differ, this knight has words like a soothsayer, easy to manipulate one's will to his command by his detestful vocabulary." " **_we're coming back now!

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Eye of the Storm

We were to be so much, so great- the oldest soothsayers said stars would kneel at out hooves, we would surely be the next emperors. our dreams and lives were to be greater than the heavens around us. we were gods among mortals, my brother and i.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 8.4 - A Theatre of Blood

Stepping out the arcade as a cop car came whining, garonba swiftly made his way back to tenkaiju alley, where the soothsayer waited tenting his hands. "ahhh, my dear friend!" he cried.

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Perilous Jaunt Chapter 11

Phillip wondered rhetorically, as if he had read my mind like some kind of soothsayer. "let me ask you a question. do you think i just woke up one morning and decided to work in a whorehouse?"

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