
Story by Ceeb on SoFurry

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Here's a quickie commission for KyrenTheGoodra over on IB. He asked for a story of his gooey dragon getting busy with a tall reindeer lady with magic powers. If there's one thing I like, it's... well, butts, and spades, and other things... I got sidetracked, but the point is: tits.

More stories coming soon! Including gay stuff with a smelly truck-driving wolf. :O

Thumbnail background is from Textures.com.

Writing (C) me

Kyren (C) IB: KyrenTheGoodra

Kyren - real name an indecipherable jumble to those not fluent in dragon tongue - did not feel safe in these frigid woods. Howls and yips echoed in the gaps between desolate trees. Snow fell as a thin but constant powder and drifts fast swallowed his footprints. He could not remember why he had even chosen to come here.

The thick, malleable slime which comprised his body was becoming stiff in the cold. It froze at a temperature lower than water, but Kyren began to believe he would freeze solid as the temperature continued to fall. Assuming, of course, that a bear or a wolf did not devour him first; his gooey body would be a difficult snack, but he was just as susceptible to being devoured as any fully solid creature.

Glimpsed between jutting, naked trees, the fire-glow seemed a gift too good to be true to Kyren, who believed he must be seeing tricks played on his eyes by the snow. Yet as he came closer he saw it was no mirage, but a cabin. Its door was many feet taller than he - and Kyren stood a very respectable six feet, three inches in his neutral form - but other than its exaggerated size proportional to its entryway, it seemed a normal cabin. He knocked, too cold to be wary of strangers.

"Just a mo-ment," sing-songed a merry voice. Heavy footsteps thudded behind the door. Soon the lock clicked and the door swung inward. A rush of warm air escaped and a swirl of snow entered around the massive, womanly figure of the reindeer in the cabin. She peered down at him, smiling. "Oh, you poor thing, come inside!" she gushed, and ushered in the shivering dragon, whose gelatinous body seemed to vibrate along its surface. She closed the door with a swing of her hips and walked him to the fireplace, where he would have taken himself regardless.

Kyren warmed himself and listened to his host fawn over him, not without some pleasure. She offered him food (he declined politely, as he did not eat) and cocoa (similarly declined, also politely). As he warmed, the easy flow of his body returned to him. He could have taken any shape he wished, but he preferred the tall and handsome male dragon form he took by default.

It was his host's form he was more interested in than his own. She had introduced herself as Tina, which he thought was as fine a name as any for what she was. Though a reindeer, her fur had the colors of a Rottweiler's coat; one eye was blue, the other a striking purple. Her dress was equally outrageous, being a skirt decorated with sleigh bells and a loose top apparently intended to make her tremendous breasts decent, though her pink nipples showed plainly around and even through the thin cloth. Nesting between her breasts was a blue swirl of a gem, hanging from a choker around her neck.

Kyren looked over the tall, chubby reindeer with naked interest. Tina was peculiar but not stupid; she smiled and asked the dragon, "If you're not hungry, maybe you'd like something else?"

The dragon smiled. "Do you make offers like that to everybody who stumbles across your cabin?"

Tina laughed. She peeled off the thin, pointless cloth and her massive breasts wobbled free. In spite of their size, they were pert and round. Tina, a creature imbued with magic powers, unabashedly used her abilities to keep her breasts perfect.

"Of course I do! It is, you see, the quickest way to warm up a handsome traveler who won't eat or drink." She knelt, bringing her height close to his. Then she fell back, landing with a bump on her rear. Her sleigh bells jingled cheerfully and her breasts joggled. "I've never been with a gooey dragon before," she cooed.

Kyren stepped closer, standing inside the gap between her fat thighs. From his slender, featureless body grew a thick and throbbing phallus, already erect and leaking a precum thicker than most. He touched its tip to one of her breasts, brushing a stiff pink nipple. "I think you'll find we can be very flexible," he said with a wink. "Not to mention enduring."

The reindeer grinned. She pulled her necklace to the side, letting it hang over her shoulder. Then she cupped her plump tits, holding them together to produce a snug passage. Without saying a word, Kyren pushed into their gripping, furry flesh from below. Her bust was enormous, but so was the penis Kyren had given himself; the glans of his cock protruded at the other end of her tits.

"You're still a bit cold," Tina said with a giggle. "Ooh, it feels nice, but strange. I can feel its shape changing. Am I squeezing you too much?"

He held onto the rack of her antlers. Grunting, he fucked her tits with rough bucks, believing this great, burly woman would appreciate rough sex. He said as he pounded her, "No. No, you're just fine, Tina. That feels wonderful..."

The reindeer's tongue slunk down, swabbing over the head of Kyren's cock as it poked up. The flavor surprised her; he had a musky smell and taste not at all like the plain gelatin she had imagined. She said with some surprise, "Oh, you taste good."

"Mm, thank you," Kyren grunted. He elongated his arms a few inches each and hung off of her rack. The stretch gave him more room to thrust, to push himself with his legs. His slimy body slapped against her solid one, the thick precum rolling down her cleavage in heavy streamers. Some was stolen by Tina's greedy tongue. Once, Kyren pushed up and paused, giving the reindeer a moment to suck him, something she did lustfully and with unspoken gratitude.

"And here," Kyren shuddered, "I thought I was going to freeze solid. Or be eaten alive."

Tina chuckled. She mashed her tits together as hard as she could possibly do so; Kyren's penis compressed somewhat between them and the dragon groaned, unleashing a particularly fat wad of precum. "Not in my forest. Cute boys like you should be kept safe and warm."

Kyren pulled on her rack as he bucked with all the leverage he could give himself. His gooey body was very strong, and the strength with which he drilled his cock into her deep cleavage was considerable. A wet slap filled the cabin, just another noise alongside the din of the howling wind and the soothing crackle of fire.

The reindeer cheated a bit; she made use of her magic to keep her tits bound like so, freeing up her hands. With them she reached under her skirt, pushing the sleigh bells into a soft jingle. Her digits felt over the familiar lips of her sex, plump and wet, and she masturbated with measured tweaks of her clitoris. Tina did not want to cum yet; she wanted Kyren to cause that for her. But warming herself up was fair game.

"Is that smell yours?" Kyren asked, his voice growing hoarse. His work had become wet and sloppy, the precum in Tina's cleavage making for a noisy ride. He was constantly adding more, making her breasts slippery and musky with the unique smell of a goo dragon.

"Yes, it is," Tina said, smiling sweetly, almost dreamily. "I'm so wet right now but I want you to finish up right where you are. Oh, we have so much time for you to satisfy me, little goo dragon. So much time."

Kyren thought the words almost sounded ominous, but he was too invested to stop. His body, which could climax like any solid body, was undulating with pleasure. He considered himself fortunate to wind up with his reindeer, even more fortunate to wind up between her heavy tits. He held fast to her rack and he fucked her and smelled her in the air, over the comforting scent of burning pine.

"Oh, my god," Kyren gasped, and shuddered. He slammed his gooey cock home and came hard, pumping his seed; but Tina's tits were extraordinarily snug and they choked his cock, kept it from ejaculating at first. When his seed did finally erupt, it was in a massive burst which splattered across her waiting snout, painting her features. It smelled and tasted like any cum would, but was thicker, almost jelly-like. Still more came, enough that with each successive spurt, Kyren eventually plastered the entirety of the reindeer's neck and breasts, leaving her with a thick glaze.

Tina released her tits from the magical grip. Though their perkiness implied some tightness, Kyren's cock was mostly freed.

The gooey dragon shuddered. He fell back on his rump. His erect cock throbbed before him, drooling cum. Gradually it began to fall flaccid.

"My god," Kyren huffed. "I'm-, I'm simply worn out after that... I'm sorry, Tina."

"Oh, do you need to rest?" asked the reindeer with a giggle. "Please. Oh, do rest. I can attend to myself."

The sleep which came over Kyren, he knew in the last moments of wakefulness, was not natural. She had bewitched him, put him to sleep with a spell, but rest was pleasant to him. He was exhausted after a day and a night awake in that awful forest. And so he allowed the sleep to take him without a struggle, however pointless one would have been.

Effortlessly, Tina picked up her guest and took him into the bedroom. Here it was a bit cooler, being out of the way of the fireplace, but still comfortably warm. She laid him on the bed, sized for her considerable frame.

Tina began to fondle the dozing dragon. His penis in one hand, her muff in the other, she fondled and groped him until he began to stiffen. It took little time, she noted; but dragons, she knew, were virile creatures.

The reindeer settled into Kyren's lap. She guided his cock between her thighs, under her skirt, into the thick lips of her sex. As she slid down onto his plump rod, a shudder escaped her. Her hips came down onto his and she rode him without pause, riding hard, bouncing and jiggling in all the right places. Her sleigh bells chimed a playful tune as she fucked herself on the snoring dragon's cock.

In sleep, Kyren moaned, cooed. He shifted but never by much. The precum oozed steadily from his cock, now warm, both from fire and from Tina.

"Good dragon. Good, gooey dragon," Tina huffed, grabbing his sleeping hands. She rubbed them on her tits, both sticky and white like big, round danishes. In his sleep, Kyren groped them, but absently. His fingers cut little grooves in the caked semen.

Tina suckled her fingers, collected a bit of the semen herself, and reached back between her fat ass cheeks. Two fingers she pushed deep into her anus, shuddering as they entered. She did not fingerfuck herself, only kept them there, and resumed her bouncing with new vigor. Gazing down on Kyren's sleeping face, knowing he felt this pleasure only from far-away amused Tina. Oh, she would fuck him when he woke again, too; but for now she enjoyed fucking what amounted to a warm silicone sex toy. He could not speak or act on his own, only be ridden.

The combination of her lurid fantasy and the two penetrations did Tina in fairly quickly. The heavy deer mashed her hips down and brayed as she came, gushing thick, musky fluid around Kyren's cock. She withdrew her fingers slowly from her anus and laid down alongside the dragon, cuddling his gooey body against her own very jiggly, fat form. In a few hours the spell of sleeping would wear off, and by then both she and he would be rested, ready to go again.

Tina closed her eyes and slept, content with the dragon she had taken in. And Kyren slept a deep, dreamless, but restorative sleep.

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