Adventures Abroad - Study Break

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#8 of Adventures Abroad

A week has passed since Jack and Toko found each other, and a new kind of normalcy has entered the fox's life. But when his red panda lover joins him for lunch one day, she quickly becomes more intimate with him, and what is a delightful pleasure in the privacy of their bedroom threatens to become an embarrassing experience under the eyes of an audience. At least, that's how it has always been for Jack. Thanks to his lust and love, however, he is finally ready to face his shame and reservation, indulging Toko in front of her sons for a thrill unlike ever before.

Part eight of "Adventures Abroad" is about Jack's next step in embracing his host family and the society of Kessan. Already comfortable with casual nudity and his lover's endowments, it is finally time for him to dip his toes into exhibitionism. Of course, this is accompanied by casual banter and hot, steamy sex, plenty of cum, themes of domination and submission, and character growth. I wish you a fun read, and I would love to hear your thoughts and comments.

The work week was in full swing, but Jack was still at home, as the university's study plan granted him a day off from lectures and courses in the middle of it. That didn't mean that it was a free day by any means, however, as the fox's professors had provided him with plenty of study material and assignments to work on, more than enough to fill an entire morning. Accordingly, he had made himself comfortable in the conference room with a cup of tea and a wide, fluffy robe. Sitting between mountains of books, he spent hour after hour chipping away at his exercises together with Yuma, and he was so busy that he didn't waste a single thought on anything else, neither leisure nor his growing hunger. Even the girly red panda's teasing nature took a backseat as he focused entirely on the task at paw, making for the perfect study partner as he figured out all the things Jack was struggling with.

Halfway through the morning, Maru joined the two males, carrying his own heap of books. After exchanging a few brief nods, the stocky tanuki plopped down in a chair next to the window, loosened his robe, and immersed himself into his material, absently scrawling notes as he read through various accounts of Kessan's history. Just like the country's contemporary society, it seemed to be filled with plenty of suggestive material because every time Jack shot a glance at the tanuki, his cock was in some state of stiffness, dribbling enough pre to create a sizable puddle between his feet. Good thing there are towels scattered all over the room. Part of him envied Maru, as his books seemed a lot more fun than the rather dry engineering stuff they had to work with, but on the other paw, he definitely wouldn't have been able to concentrate all morning if the technical texts and equations had turned him on as the stories turned on the tanuki.

Even so, the fox's focus wouldn't last forever, and as noon approached, the signs of exhaustion mounted. It started with the more difficult exercises and soon spread to everything else, sentences and formulas blurring together and getting more confusing by the minute as his mind and eyes kept drifting off to the wintry scenery in the garden and the other two males in the room. As if that wasn't enough of a distraction, his stomach finally made itself noticed with a loud, fierce grumble and demanded a lunch break, his ravenous hunger ruining what was left of his study flow. "Ugh, I think it's high time for a pause," Jack sighed and closed his exercise book, grimacing at the thought that they still had to prepare lunch, but it there was no way around it. "Let's make something quick because I'm starving."

"Same. Also, how in the world is it noon already? It feels like we just started," Yuma grunted, rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms with a deep yawn. "At least, we're also almost done with everything, so that's really neat. I don't think I've ever been this productive before. We make a great team. Speaking of which, you put water in the kettle while I get the instant noodles?"

Jack nodded, but as he opened his muzzle to agree, the door swung open and Toko barged into the room. His mood brightened the moment he caught sight of the mature red panda, and his face lit up with a smile as he spotted a tray packed with large, steaming dumplings in her paws. Apparently, she had come home early today and had taken the opportunity to prepare lunch for them. "Oh wow, that looks delicious! You're just in time because we were just about to make lunch ourselves," the fox greeted her, licking his lips at the sight of the busty beauty in her favorite pink robe and the treats in her paws. "How come you're already home, Toko?"

"Well, I remembered this morning that you're all home today, so I decided to work from home this afternoon so I can join you for lunch. Besides, I thought you guys deserved a little treat after studying hard all morning~" Toko chuckled, putting the food tray on the tea table and shifting a wooden stool next to Jack. As she sat down, she wrapped an arm around his waist and unceremoniously pulled him into a big, tight hug against her warm, fluffy chest.

The fox yipped in surprise when he suddenly found himself trapped in the red panda's embrace, but once she locked her lips with his in a loving kiss, he yielded to her affection and melted against her with a blissful sigh. As tempting as the dumplings smelled, they could wait as the most welcome treat sat right in front of him, filling his nose with her intoxicating scent, making his heart pound with love, and his cock harden with arousal.

Sadly, Toko loosened her embrace before Jack got carried away too much and put him back down on his chair with a dopey grin on his lips and a throbbing boner between his legs. "So, how have you been?" she asked, giggling as the effects of her hug wore off and the fox abashedly pressed his thighs together. He simply couldn't help it, as his arousal had become as reflexive as a knee-jerk in her presence.

Maru was the first to respond to his mother's question, "I slept in and spent the rest of the morning reading the most important books of my curriculum, so I'm feeling great."

"Have you read all of them already?" Toko wondered, nodding at the sizable stack of literature next to the tanuki while she passed the plates, loading each with a pair of fresh hot dumplings.

"What? Oh! No, not yet!" Maru laughed and shook his head. "This bunch is meant to last me the whole semester, so I've only gotten through the first of them so far."

"Ah, right, that makes more sense," Toko noted and turned to Jack and Yuma. "And what about you two?"

"We've made great progress, too. We're almost done with our exercises for today," Yuma chirped, pushing the stack of books and paper in front of him aside so he could devote himself to his lunch.

"Wonderful! I wish I had had those study days back in my time because we still had to attend lectures six days a week," Toko sighed with a wistful gaze, initiating a conversation about the whole list of things that had changed since her time at the university. When she inevitably lost herself in stories about her worst lecturers, a grin grew on Jack's lips, and he dug into his meal. There was no better entertainment for lunch.

A few minutes and dumplings later, the hole in the fox's stomach had vanished, and his belly was packed with warm, delicious food. He was as happy as could be, talking and laughing with the others as he helped himself to seconds. When he finally bit into his last dumpling, he noticed that Toko's paw had slipped under his robe and onto his butt, casually stroking and massaging the fur around the base of his tail. It wasn't the first time she touched him like this -- it had only become more frequent since they had taken the next step in their relationship -- but it still sent a thrilling rush of arousal through him every time it happened. Swallowing the bite with a soft moan, he pushed back into her paw and encouraged her to keep going.

Naturally, the red panda's caress got Jack hard and horny in no time. However, just as he was getting comfortable with his lover's tender touch, she suddenly slipped a finger between his butt cheeks and prodded his tight pink pucker. His body reacted instantly, his ring loosening and dilating to take her entire digit to the knuckle with an eager slurp, only to clench up when it hit his prostate.

Jack's mind needed another second to grasp what was happening, but once he realized where her wiggling finger had ended up, time slowed to a crawl and he tensed up with a gasp. This exact situation had happened a few days ago, during the dinner where he had revealed his relationship with Toko to the rest of the family, and the same embarrassment, the same anxiety welled up inside him, threatening to take him again as the situation went beyond the casual nudity he had grown accustomed to. Once again, he became acutely aware of the attention of everyone around him, feeling their eyes on his hide, but fortunately, the red panda's wife wasn't present this time, so he managed to curb his panic before it overwhelmed him.

After all, the young fox knew that this was normal. He had seen Toko fucking Yuma and Kama in front of everyone else. This was just another ordinary part of life in Kessan, where everybody was naked at home and screwed around with everybody else anyway. This was nothing new to anyone but him. Besides, he wanted her to finger him and go further. A single glance at the gorgeous red panda in her pink robe, her beautiful face, her luscious curves, and her hardening rod stoked the ember in his heart into a blazing wildfire, and this time, the curious eyes of her sons weren't enough to dissuade him. His desire finally prevailed over his embarrassment.

However, before Jack could tell Toko to push deeper, she yanked her paw away, her face adopting an expression somewhere between remorse and concern. "S-sorry, I almost got carried away again. I hope..."

The fox silenced the red panda with a fiery, longing leer, his eyes locked to hers as he slipped off his chair and turned toward her. Without comment, he leaned closer, wrapped his arms around her, and placed a deep, loving kiss on her soft lips, reveling in the desire that burned in her emerald eyes. Lingering just a moment longer, he broke away with a wink and directed his attention to the rising, swelling rod between her pillowy thighs. The glistening, sweaty chocolate dong captivated him just as much as it had the first time, making his muzzle water even though he had eaten plenty because there was always room for a delicious dessert like this.

The rest of the world stopped mattering when Jack finally wrapped his paws around Toko's thick, huge rod, feeling its sweaty warmth and powerful throbbing under his palms. His eyes latched onto the fat, hooded tip and his muzzle parted as he moved closer, eager to take her while every breath filled his nose with her exhilarating musk, stoking the blazing heat inside him.

The fox paused an inch shy of his lover's leaking, twitching urethra, trembling with joy as he peeled back her supple foreskin and uncovered the rest of her glans with a lewd smack. Exposed and laid bare, he pursed his lips and gave it a kiss, taking in the first taste as a squirt of her warm, salty pre netted his tongue and taste buds.

Although the fox was completely engrossed by the red panda's cock, he still heard and felt her delight as he wrapped his muzzle around her tip and swallowed the first inch of her giant rod. She reciprocated his affection with a deep, sonorous moan, one of her paws ruffling and tousling his hair while the other returned to the spot beneath his tail, continuing where she had left off. Without missing a beat, she slipped two fingers into his snug asshole, curling and twisting them deep inside him to loosen him up.

Jack moaned and squirmed with pleasure as stimulation washed through him from both sides, his swollen rod jumping and dripping onto the floor as Toko massaged his prostate. The rush fired him up, and he eagerly swallowed a few more inches of her massive cock until it reached the back of his throat, filling out his muzzle with her addictive aroma and stretching his jaw to its limits. However, the real challenge still lay ahead, as more than half of her dick was still waiting its turn, and even though he had given her plenty of blowjobs over the past week, he still struggled to take her tremendous girth into his tight throat.

"Remember to take your time, dear," Toko whispered, stroking Jack's chin. "Don't push yourself too far, and only go as far as you're comfortable."

The fox nodded with a muffled grunt, collecting himself as he suckled on her fat dick. At least, she was leaking plenty of pre, lubricating the insides of his muzzle with her flavor and filling his stomach with a special warmth that nothing but this and her cum could provide. However, he wanted more, for the sake of her pleasure and his own, and he closed his eyes, slowly shoving another inch into his throat. It took a lot of effort and determination to get it in, bobbing his head back and forth to loosen his throat for her delicious schlong, but he was rewarded with a powerful squirt of pre and a heavy groan. Toko's delight and every throb of her erection kept him pushing further.

Soon, Jack reached his current limit, but gathering all his focus, he funneled it into one final effort and slid yet another inch of Toko's fat meat down his throat until it reached his Adam's apple and visibly bulged half of his neck. He had never gotten this far and sadly didn't get much opportunity to wallow in his accomplishment. The extra depth came at a price, as his gag reflex kicked in hard enough to make him choke and tear up, and he had to pull back immediately, his lips parting with her tip and his chest shaking as he gasped for breath.

"Wow. Alright, I think that's enough for now, honey. You've done a great job, and you're getting better," Toko purred with a warm smile, stroking the fox's cheek as she pulled her fingers out of his loosened anus, twisting and spreading them one more time. With a playful smack on his butt, she grabbed his waist and suggested, "So how about we put the other side to good use?"

Jack nodded without another thought, beaming at the busty red panda as she flipped him over onto his back and helped him out of his robe with practiced efficiency before she rid herself of her own pink garment, discarding the pieces of fabric with a flick of her paw. There was nothing he wanted more than this, and unlike the blowjob, it would be something both of them could enjoy to the fullest. Even though he managed to swallow more of her dick with every attempt, it was still a struggle and he had a long way left to go. He wasn't even close to Yuma's proficiency, who could take his mother's dick to the balls without preparation or a single gag, but that didn't trouble him. On the contrary, it encouraged him, because if her son was able to do it, he would manage it someday as well.

Speaking of the girly red panda, as Toko laid Jack on a towel, he noticed that Yuma and Maru were still sitting at the table, watching them intently. They each had a paw wrapped around their leaking, rock-hard rods, making it blatantly obvious what they had been up to, but at least they had the courtesy to stop jerking off while he was looking at them.

The sight sent a wave of embarrassment through the fox and he tensed up with a whine as Toko spread his legs and bent them back over his head, but there was more to it than just shame. Their arousal, their eagerness, the raw lust of his watchers were rubbing off on him and filled him with confidence and comfort where he expected it the least, encouraging him to keep going anyway.

Toko stopped just shy of penetration as she sensed Jack's struggle, looking at him with concern. "Jack, honey, are you alright? You look troubled."

The fox peered at the mature red panda for a moment, then he bent his head back over and looked at their audience, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to get the chaos in his head under control. She wasn't wrong, he was struggling, but the more he thought about it, the longer he looked at the beautiful red panda, the more he realized that he wanted to do this. Filled with renewed determination, he nodded and embraced the situation, yielding his last major reservation, the final vestige of his prudishness, to become one of them, a full member of the family. "Yes, I'm fine. I'm ready. Give it to me, Toko! Fuck me!"

Toko gifted Jack a relieved grin and tightened her grip around his ankles, bending over him until the weight of her soft, fluffy body trapped him in a mating press. He was now fully at her mercy, gasping as her fat, spit-lubed tip poked his ring, and he didn't want to have it any other way. Just like that, the room, their spectators, and the rest of the world became secondary as the towering red panda claimed every part of his brain and senses. Her blazing green eyes and her wanton grin sent a delightful shiver through him, her bulging muscles and iron grip reminded him of her superior strength, and the sight of her drooping massive tits and sweaty chocolate nipples topped off his arousal, her musk and the lingering taste of her cock making him as desperate and ready for her as he could be.

He was hers now, and she would fuck him silly, while her sons were watching.

Finally, the red panda thrust forward, grunting wantonly as she increased the pressure until her glans parted Jack's ring and entered him with a wet pop, stretching him wide open with her firm, pulsing warmth. Having overcome the first barrier, she shoved the rest of her massive girth inside him with gentle but persistent force, spreading his rectum inch after inch. His natural tightness slowed her, making her groan and sweat as her fat schlong passed his prostate and entered his guts, forming a growing bulge on his abdomen, but it couldn't stop her. All the training with the toys had paid off, each of the passion-filled nights with her had brought him to this point where she only needed to stop once she had exhausted her means, once an entire foot of thick, pulsing cock meat stewed inside his ass and her heavy nuts rested against his taut butt, teasing him with her boundless virility.

However, while the training and hornleaf tea had gotten the fox to the point where he could physically take his love without breaking a sweat, her immense size still set off a giant firework of sparkling stimulation as it triggered every last nerve end inside him. So where the first thrust elicited a wet, throaty moan from the mature red panda, it drew a resounding cry of bliss from the fox as his brain was flooded with pleasure. Lust took control over his thoughts and body, making him squirm and rear up against her, only for her to hold him down with her strength and body.

As if the towering red panda hadn't come close enough already, she wrapped her paws around Jack's neck and head and pulled him even closer to her chest, close enough for her plushy tits to meet his chest, her fat, erect nipples grinding against his stiff pink buds and for his cock to sink into the warm, fuzzy softness of her pudgy belly. Along with the heat of her body and her addictive musk, she claimed his senses and whole attention as she peered down at him with blazing desire in her eyes and a hungry grin on her lips. "You look so adorable when I pin you down like this~"

The young fox fluttered his eyelashes and whined with need as Toko asserted herself, his mind too hazy to form a single clear thought. Not that there was much he could do anyway but surrender himself and embrace whatever the horny red panda had in store for him.

While Jack lay there, frozen in anticipation, Toko pulled his head up and locked her lips with his in a tender kiss of passion and love. "I love you so much, Jack," she sighed and kissed him again, going deeper and harder than before.

The red panda's affection finally snapped the fox out of his stupor and he embraced her with a moan, parting his lips to receive her eager tongue with his in a jaunty dance.

"And I need you so much. Every single part of you, you beautiful fox~" Toko added, breaking her kiss only to follow it up with twice the vigor. And as her lust took control, she plunged her tongue deep into his muzzle and stuffed his throat.

Having claimed the rest of her lover's body and attention, Toko was ready to reap her reward. A mighty jerk went through her body as she pulled back, sliding her fat dong out of his ass only to slam it back in, shafting it all the way to the balls again, and again, and again. Her first few thrusts were still slow and restrained, savoring his snug depths and loosening him up for the main course, but he didn't mind the lazy start in the slightest. Her girth flooded his brain with more pleasure than he could handle, and he was busy gagging and sucking on her thick, twisting tongue anyway.

Finally, the red panda broke her domineering kiss and fell back to plastering Jack's face and cheeks with licks and smooches as she focused on fucking him. Dropping her restraint, she ramped up the pace and plunged her massive rod inside him ever faster. In response, the fox burst into hearty cries and moans of joy, accompanying the sound of her nuts slapping against his butt. And she had still more in store for him. Grunting and huffing with unbridled fervor, she drove her cock inside him ever harder until she plowed his guts just as thoroughly as she did with her wife or Yuma.

It was merely a stray thought in Jack's lust-addled brain, but he was still aware that the girly red panda and his tanuki brother were there, no doubt enjoying themselves as they watched their mother pound him like she owned him. It also reminded him of his first breakfast with her family, where she had railed Yuma senseless on the table, only that the roles were reversed now. Just a week ago -- honestly even just an hour ago, this situation would've colored his cheeks with red-hot shame, but his overwhelming lust washed away all doubts and concerns, leaving only joy and a pinch of lusty pride as he begged for more, "Yes! Harder! Fuck me harder, Toko!"

"Everything for you, my pretty angel," Toko groaned, and she delivered on her promise in a heartbeat, pushing herself to the limits to give Jack the pounding of a lifetime. Her muscles bulged and flexed in a hypnotizing interplay, her breasts bounced and jiggled wildly, and her fur was darkening with sweat as she rutted him with indomitable fervor. While he cried with mindless bliss, heavy snorts and grunts poured from her throat, and her tongue hung from her muzzle, drooling right into his gaping maw as she took care of his insatiable lust and pushed him ever closer to the edge.

Finally, the overwhelming affection broke the fox's brain. He lost all sense of time and space, and the gorgeous red panda was the only thing that remained. His whole world consisted of nothing her moans and grunts of pleasure, the slapping of her swinging balls, the sparkle in her enchanting emerald eyes and the weight of her breasts, the immense girth of her cock, and the firm grasp of her paws as she reduced him to a writhing, whimpering heap of arousal.

With each and every thrust, Jack rushed closer to heaven. His toes curled up and his fingers clutched the towel beneath him, and his whole body grew as taut as a bowstring in anticipation of his imminent orgasm, the rising tension paralyzing him until he could barely catch his breath anymore.

At that point, the slightest nudge was enough to carry the fox over the edge, and he finally erupted with a horny scream as all his pent-up arousal and tension unraveled in a giant flash of bliss. His vision filled with dazzling stars and sparkles, and his cock erupted onto her belly, painting her sweaty brown fur with his thick, warm seed. His orgasm didn't slow the red panda down, though. Instead, his contracting anus fired her up and instigated her final spurt. She slammed her rod into his clenching butt in a horny frenzy, milking him from every last drop while her bloated breeding orbs tightened, preparing a big, creamy load for her favorite fox.

Jack's climax was still in full swing when Toko joined him with a heavy moan. She slammed her swollen schlong inside him one final time before the floodgates opened and she erupted deep inside him. The initial shot hit him while he was the most vulnerable, making him whine with pleasure and rekindling his orgasm, and it was only the first of many. Rope after rope, the wet warmth of her thick, gooey semen spread through him, coating every inch and filling every bend and twist until there was no space left. Ounce after ounce, she pumped her cream into him, swelling his belly until the bulge of her cock disappeared and inflating it into a round, sloshing dome of her liquid love. She had done this before to him, but it still felt as intense as the first time, filling him with satisfaction that went beyond just lust and love.

Still locked in the throes of her orgasm, Toko pulled Jack into another deep, forceful kiss and plunged her tongue back into his gullet as she topped his belly off with her seed. Tears of joy welled up in his eyes as he gagged on her squirming muscle, savoring every second that remained of her wonderful eruption and her relentless love.

After almost a minute of mindless bliss, the red panda's climax drew to an end, and as her output waned, her dominance ebbed and she withdrew her tongue from Jack's throat, granting him a gasp of fresh air and allowing him to recover from the endless onslaught of stimulation. Slowly but steadily, his high faded as well, but his full belly and his profound satisfaction remained as he slipped into a warm, comfy afterglow.

As the fox's vision cleared, the first thing he saw was Toko's face and beaming smile, her eyes sparkling with a jolly emerald luster as she returned his gaze. Next, he laid eyes on her vast cleavage, her heavy breasts jiggling as she gently lifted her chest up to grant him a better view of his bloated, sloshing cum belly. It was as full and round as after every romp with her, but the sheer size of it still left him speechless in awe. He could still barely comprehend the magnitude of her output, yet the result from it was there and it was real, and he gasped as she placed one of her big, sweaty paws on the swollen bump and rubbed it tenderly.

Finally, Jack turned his head to the side, and he was greeted by their two spectators, each of them grinning from ear to ear as they held their dicks in their paws. They had softened since the last time he had looked at them, and there were telling strands and streaks of milky white on the floor in front of them -- or rather a giant puddle of cum in Maru's case. The implications were crystal clear, and even his exhausted mind didn't take long to figure out that they had nutted to the spectacle. Yet, even now that the effect of Jack's lust had faded, it couldn't pull him out of his happy afterglow. With Toko's help, he had conquered his final reservation and embraced Kessan one step further, acknowledging the sight of her boys with a grin and a chuckle. Before he could make any comment, however, the busty red panda drew his attention back to her with a kiss on his lips.

"You were great, Jack," Toko cooed and tickled his chin. "I'm so proud of you, honey, every day of the week, and I love you so much."

"Thank you, Toko. Thank you so much, and I love you, too. With all my heart," Jack whispered, gasping as she moved back a few inches. However, instead of pulling out entirely, she just gave his legs enough space to slip back down onto the floor, alleviating the numbness that was beginning to spread through them. After that, she shoved her cock right back up his ass, plugging his bloated belly while holding him dear and close, giving him kiss after kiss. He knew that she wouldn't let him go anytime soon, but he didn't mind her devotion and embraced her with both arms, returning the kisses with all his passion. His remaining exercises could wait because his big, beautiful red panda always came first.