Lori the Great (Part 2)

Story by Luther-Bat on SoFurry

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Done as part of a trade for Meanybeany on FA.

Lori the Great - Part 2

By Luther

Over the next few days, things gradually began to change. The new and larger Lori had become a more confident creature than Quinn had known before. She was different yet very much the same Lori he had known for so long. He could even feel her approach now, the floor shaking just barely within the realm of perception when she came near. Her sides became a more lustrous silvery hue, more brilliant and dazzling to look at. The dynamic between them shifted, she grew more commanding and more dominant.

And he really, really liked it.

By an odd twist of fate, before anyone could get truly acclimated to the new Lori, she was almost called upon to use her new size. When an aggressor lord of bandits decided to practice his thieving art and dispatched a small army to lay claim and ransom to the surrounding villages, there was nobody else around to intervene. So, when this news spread, regardless as to whether Lori felt a more altruistic reason or simply saw things as belonging to her and wanted to protect them, she went out to meet them.

The invaders had heard whispers of some monster roaming the land but knew nothing more. But whispers did not halt their advance in the mountainous passes. Whispers did not split sky with roar and check them with gust of wings and flash of teeth and certainly did not tear apart and devour half of them while the other half fled for fear of death and incarnate wrath of whatever god they held in their minds.

While she solved the immediate problem, she also had discovered a way to demonstrated her value and majesty to them. Perhaps this was a way to earn her keep? Not like she had a lot of other marketable skills and, despite her definite ability, she did not fancy herself one of those tyrant lizards who just took everything. Lori didn't want to be feared and hated.

It seems she was destined for quite the opposite. When word got out of what she did for Ellisburg, and Quinn made sure it did, everyone was stunned. Lori the dragon had gone from neighbor to protector and everyone began to look at both her and Quinn differently. Conversation quickly buzzed about her new size, which was surprisingly well received. Knowing little about dragons, they had assumed it normal for one coming into adulthood. Now she resembled what they expected from a dragon and, the bigger she was, the less likely the bandits would try anything again. Among all the talk about them that erupted and spread like wildfire rose a plan to hold a small celebration and feast in her honor.

So that evening, the town was bedecked in light and colorful ribbons. There was dancing and drinking and honest merriment, as if some holiday had come early. Upon invitation and curiosity, Lori arrived, and a great wreath of many different flowers was built in the plaza to act as a seat for her. All the little folks were happy to see that the flowery place of honor was still large enough to encircle her. She took her spot, settling in and curling up not unlike a cat would and, even with her laying down, they found themselves looking up at her. They made her the centerpiece of the jubilation, something she was wholly unused to but still amused and receptive of.

Someone had decided to organize a recreation of her dispatching the bandit lord's men with a giant costume version of her made of canvas and poles, holding a good deal of men inside to operate the thing. The result was amusing, with the canvas dragon having a hinged jaw with which to 'gobble up' the bandits. They even had a number of hidden flaps that were released allowing more material to spread over it and making the 'dragon' appear to grow in size as the men inside spread out. The whole thing elicited a rather girlish giggle, by dragon standards at least, from Lori.

Long before it came time to eat, an invisible patchwork of ever-changing delicious smells permeated the air teasingly, forcing a growl or two from her stomach. When feasting actually came, they wheeled carts in front of her laden with everything they thought a dragon might eat. They were not exactly experts but it was hard to go wrong here, she'd eat just about everything. When it became clear that this food was for her, she did not hesitate. It would be lying if she said that some part of her wanted to see if she could reproduce what happened before. She hoped beyond hope that whatever quasi-magical nature manifested in the food last time would do so again.

And luck just so had it that whatever happened before asserted itself again. The moment she felt that warm rush of energy, her eyes opened and her attention perked, content not just to enjoy herself but to try and discover what exactly caused it. After all, she had eaten several times since with no such result. She was a smart one and determined to find the source.

But focused or not, the act of becoming grander yet tickled all the correct pleasure centers of her mind, causing a completely involuntary noise to emanate deep from within her. Quinn looked up at her from his seat at the table of honor next to her and cocked his head at the sound triggered from her. He thought he heard that sometime before, during the first time she grew. His lips pursed as he made the connection, slowly standing up from his chair in recognition of what was happening.

As he carefully retreated, taking gradual steps back, Quinn's eyes darted around. Nobody else had really noticed or, if they did, knew what it meant. How could they? He was frozen mentally, not sure if loudly exclaiming what was about to happen would be worth the panic it could possibly cause. Maybe this would be a small spurt? Besides, they'd notice on their own eventually.

Lori's tail slowly and purposefully swept behind her, back and forth, to make sure nobody stood there where she couldn't see. The reach of it slowly grew longer with every pass while her eyes scanned and made sure no unfortunate stood at the base of her. Already she could feel something moving under her. The flowers were being caught beneath her or rather she was growing over top of them.

It was the odd and dull snapping of bouquet and bough that first informed the more observant and less inebriated of the revelers. The vast remainder of the body of people were blissfully unaware of her own growing body. That would soon change.

She began to rise once more, though she did not stand, heedless of the laws of nature that screamed such a thing shouldn't be possible. More and more weight piled onto her, spreading outward along the ground, creeping onto the flora. One by one, the support structures holding up the woven branches of flowers were broken by those billowing sides of hers while her head reared higher over the crowd.

This time her growth was almost even, not quite so, here and there great folds of fat found their way to the surface, sending undulations along her, putting her in motion despite her standing still. It was this that caught the attention of everyone else who still hadn't noticed her changing. The last boisterous sounds of merrymaking had died down, all eyes now on her.

Breaking the near silence was a loud grunt from Lori followed by a crashing and splintering sound, her oppressive weight finally destroyed the last support, trampling the verdant circle completely beneath the silver tide of unyielding flesh. Thick rolls of padding developed along the back of her neck, their formation sending her body shaking and sloshing. Cobblestones sank into the ground by the drove under her vast weight, Lori proving to be far too much of a burden for the streets where she rested and stepped.

But nobody was paying attention to that. They were all filled with a strange mixture of personal dread and fascination, collectively backpedaling much like Quinn did to find a safe place to watch. Safe for now. They had spent the evening convincing themselves of her benevolence, many emboldened by alcohol and curiosity, and so most were resolved to stay so long as she gave them no true reason to fear . . . even as she began to outsize their larger buildings. Their eyes glazed over, all witnessing another miraculous spurt of growth from her the likes they had only heard of until now. Maybe she wasn't done growing? There must be some sort of an explanation.

They had none, yet she grew. And as her magnificence increased, she seemed to flare brighter for a moment, catching the fading sunlight and throwing it across the town square, dazzling and brilliant to behold. At last her head peaked above their bell tower, the tallest structure in town, when the growth slowed. Her frame was determined to outdo the works of man, at least. She was bigger than everything around her, casting a wide shadow over the baffled people and dominating the plaza, almost filling it entirely and forcing the little onlookers to the furthest sides.

One way or another, it looked like this particular celebration was at an end. Yet they didn't feel like anyone was chasing them out. If anything, it felt like there was more an atmosphere of delightful astonishment than horror, though perhaps they were all still too stunned. Quinn still felt that it might be best to take their leave right now and Lori could very well understand.

Main street was a mercifully wide thoroughfare. It was almost wide to accommodate a newly enlarged dragoness, almost. As she moved along it, her burgeoning sides pressed against and broke windows, upset the shingles, snapped posts, and on more than one occasion she was forced through a fenced area, destroying the fence and smaller out buildings in the process. Her tail was the greatest menace with the way it accidentally tipped things over when she took turns and as it swayed back and forth. At this point it had grown wide, the base of it disappearing seamlessly into her rear quarters, making it very difficult to tell where it actually began.

Despite all this, it still felt as though they were being followed without any negative aura behind them. Everywhere she went she left great tracks that children would follow in (at a reasonable distance) and compare with their own feet. Quinn could have sworn he saw a smile on the face of one or two of the beholders.

One thing was certain: these were not normal people. They may have well been under some spell of Lori's for all she understood of what was happening to her. Maybe the food was some kind of catalyst or maybe there was something else to it. Before she had come to Ellisburg, no meal had ever made her felt this way and no meal certainly ever had this effect on her.

It wasn't until some time later, after she had returned home and dwelled upon the question, that the answer came to her. She realized it when word finally came back from Quinn, who had gone to offer an apology and work some deal of restitution, that they were completely fine with the new her. If anything the adoration towards her had grown with her. In fact, Lori the dragon was now known as Lori the Great among them. Perhaps it was spread jokingly but she took close note of it and felt something primal and deep stir in her when she first heard it applied to her.

She grew not because they fed her their livestock and produce. While to food did help her fill out more, it failed to explain why she was increasing in size by entire orders of magnitude at a time. For the longest time not even the dragoness had an inkling as to why she was getting so large. Other dragons were known of, other dragons were known to get big but not nearly so quickly or so young. What was so different about Lori?

"That's it!" she exclaimed, immediately gaining Quinn's attention. "It isn't the food, it's what is behind it!"

It was the respect and the awe they fed her when they came to pay tribute and later to make her the center of all attention. And she knew that on some level they were scared of her, most understandably so when she could make a meal out of any of them. All of this must have formed some potent cocktail of reverence. What she represented to them became grander and grander and thus so did she.

She explained to Quinn and had him start the rumor of her theory. As communal thoughts turned towards her in such a manner, her suspicions were slowly confirmed. Food began to come regularly. Everyone wanted to keep their town's savior healthy and well-fed. First it was out of appreciation, but then the planted seed sprout and the idea surfaced that a beneficial relationship might arise from this. She began to work harder towards keeping the peace, deterring raiders, bringing the town fame, and generally making herself as valuable as possible to them.

The dragon and the town became the key to each other's success and continued growth. She loved being revered and becoming an object of worship. Loved for what she did, feared for what she could do. In return, Ellisburg had never been more prosperous from tourism alone, an industry that Lori was eager to indulge.

For once, she felt as big as she knew she could be and as grand as she knew she should be. At least she felt closer to it. Whenever the rush faded she felt as though she was not quite allowed to reach her ultimate potential, that she was more fulfilled but there was always more to be had just on the horizon. Eventually, she came to crave it. Her body almost needed it like it needed a food. A second hunger developed and it was one that Quinn was all too happy to feed.

It was not long before she was the size of several livery stables put together, equal to the volume of some number of great halls or many, many times the size of the great whales that most sailors only speak of. Quinn honestly could think of no single thing that rivaled her in size. The cave could no longer hold her but that was well enough as she wanted no feeling of security and the nighttime canopy of stars was the only thing left able to contain her, for the time being. The mountains themselves were still grander but after them there was only her -and Quinn wondered how long those peaks would keep that title.

Lori sprawled hundreds and hundreds of feet long, an exact number was hotly contested every time the townspeople saw her. She didn't mind, she loved being the flocus. The way she occupied their minds, she saw herself as one step shy of being a goddess. How they talked and bent their lives around her, how they practically worshipped her: she might as well have been one.

And there were perks to being the lover of a goddess-figure. Lori loved her food and her size but she had her other passions as well. She was still a lady-dragon and she wanted to love and be loved and, despite her vastly elevated status, wanted to please Quinn. Though, sometimes this came as less of an offer and more of a fact that was going to happen. Not that he minded.

One night, sometime after supper, the little human lad was lounging on her side, kept nice and warm and safe there. It was something she had grown fond of. She noticed something, a growing tent in his trousers, that caused her to raise an eye-ridge. It seemed he approved of her ever-expanding mass as much as she did.

"Why, my tiny love, it seems you're carrying a measure of stress that has gathered between your legs," she said with a mock coy tone of voice. Quinn sat up with a strange look, his eyes settling upon his raging erection that established itself while he wasn't paying attention. "How about your remove those binding clothes?" she asked. Though the way she asked made it clear that it wasn't a request.

He did as he was told, having no honest reason to resist. Articles of clothing flew in all directions as he tossed them, some landing on the ground, some unable to go far enough and instead sliding across her and settle in the valleys of her hide.

"Now, up against the cliff wall," she said.


"Against the cliff wall," she repeated and motioned towards the bald face of the mountainside. He recognized that smile. Besides, when a three-thousand tonne dragoness tells you to do something, you do it. She slowly got to her feet, sending ripples through her body and forcing him to wiggle his way down or be thrown off. He glided down the rotund tail like a slide until he reached the bottom.

As he neared the wall, she did not wait for him, corralling him in the right direction with the movements of her head until his back was against it. She just parted her maw opened and Quinn went pale as she moved it towards him. That was until she lowered it ever so slightly and placed it squarely over his crotch with a gasp on his part.

Then she began to suckle gently. Gently for a massive dragon, that is. It was just enough for him. The man's already madly throbbing shaft was drawn heavily upon, blooding rushing to it as he practically melted.

She held him pinned there, spread her immense mouth across him, and there were times he thought for all the world that she'd open it just a bit wider and swallow him whole without effort. Yet she didn't, she was still the Lori he knew and loved and the one who loved him back.

His balls were being sucked along with everything else. With her maw that size, Quinn's entire lap was caught in the gentle pull, a testament to her control. He felt a huge appendage press down on them, the tip of her tongue, moving his orbs apart from his pulsing member, rubbing them softly despite its enormity. He felt them rolling back and forth in his sac and literally could not think of a more vulnerable position that he could be in.

Yet, the fact that she was holding him so close to danger, however perceived, made it so much more intense for him. Long moments passed like this. Quinn tried to move, not to struggle, just to move -but his hips were firmly anchored to the rock by more neck muscle than he could rightly fathom at the moment. Nevermind the fact that Lori's mouth bore down on him like a warm blanket, robbing him of the will to do much else than enjoy himself.

Both Lori and Quinn knew he couldn't hold it back any longer. He could no longer stifle the ceaseless waves of pleasure to prolong that pre-orgasm bliss. The way he tried to squirm, the way he bit his lip signaled his surrender.

He came and came hard. Though he couldn't see it, he knew he was firing off more than he ever had in a long, long time and it was consumed by the vacuum. The tiny man shook and trembled as he unloaded everything he had into her. She nursed him well, easing everything so that he might enjoy the afterglow, momentarily tightened her lips before releasing him.

"Oh . . . oh fuck . . ." his voice trailed in and out as she licked her lips. "That was amazing, Lori. You're amazing!" Her focus was solely on him. "More than amazing, dear. You're everything. More than everything," he was speaking, half aware of this words as they rolled off drunk on pleasure. "You're a damn goddess and the world belongs to you. It just doesn't . . . doesn't know it yet." His eyes were half lidded and a grin was plastered across his face.

And there it was.

It was he, the one whose opinion she valued most of all, whose free admission of her divine status, even if just in his eyes, that spawned the biggest encroaching surge she had ever felt. Lori's entire body was actually rumbling in the moments before it finally hit her. Thinking quickly, she backed up away from him, leaving Quinn confused.

She drew in a sharp breath and tried to prepare -but it was impossible. There was no way she could be ready. It crashed over her like a wave and swept all thought and other purpose away like a hurricane, leaving her nothing more than the physical embodiment of growth itself.

This time her expansion was wild, chaotic, and violent -not exactly detrimental to her but it was as if more meat and muscle and fat simply was created inside her and quickly pushed outwards, redefining her boundaries every moment. It was all followed by more and more in unending supply.

Even the greatest walls of her taut and rounded midsection gave the finest quivering motion, echoing movements long since passed. Lori was sitting, but her belly was asserting itself, swelling and overdeveloping in all directions outward. Even with her precautions, Quinn had to move to avoid being pressed between the wall and the expanding, approaching wall of silver hide. The ground shook and began to crack under her sheer and unimaginable tonnage. Lori's body groaned and creaked, mirroring the deep moans she was creating, though those too sounded almost indistinguishable from the deep speaking of the earth itself.

She finally exhaled and everything heaved. Her wings were growing slower than the rest of her, giving the false impression that they were diminishing. The same was true of her head which was now on the tapering end of her cone-shaped colossal neck. Her overall shape had begun to simplify and soften, the view of her from the front resembled a series of concentric circles with her head in the middle.

Lori's head swam and became dizzy with how quickly it had changed elevation. Once her senses began to return to her did the dragoness notice her extreme change in perspective. Everything was so much smaller now that it took her some time to find Quinn again. The Lori repositioned herself, having to carefully step over him, granting him a view of the underside of her paw. The sheer scale of it created a breeze that flipped his hair as she set it down in the near distance: a single step, a shuffling half step. It was daunting.

Such a small and casual prompt of adulation from her lover had redoubled her size at least thrice, likely more. She was practically glowing with pleasure, every fiber of her being still recovering from the ordeal and paradoxically begging for more. It would come, but later. That feeling never quite left this time and she had some great doubt that it would ever truly go away and she would never stop growing, however slowly.

Time passed. In short order, Lori's growing aegis expanded from just a village to a handful to half the kingdom before the royal family chose to stop ignoring what she represented and proudly claim her as an asset of the nation. The thought that they owned her was amusing and nobody believed it.

Now she had the support of the crown, yet people placed her before it, the church, the nobility, everything. Food came flowing in from all corners of the land. There was a short yet constant line to pay tribute. And the people knew that the larger she got, the better she could protect them. So they gladly contributed more and more to her to ensure the strongest and most capable guardian. Her appetite grew and grew yet not for food. Somehow she was able to sustain herself on the morsels they brought her, sizeable to them but paltry to her size, so long as she held monopoly on their worship.

Like it or not, they couldn't stop 'feeding' her if they tried.

She dwarfed the tallest reaches of man and nature, loomed and looked down on creation. She was a divine presence, she was a goddess, protector, and practically a mother figure to the realm. But above all, Lori liked being with Quinn and being just Lori, even if she was approaching the size of a continental shelf.