Stable breeding
Albeit strong and damn near suffocating for his now tamed nose, it ticked something behind his brain that made him look at those beasts in a different way. "they are indeed... pretty." "ha! pretty great you mean!
The time traveller:Ch. 3 - Exploring and learning
But now matt felt, despite his near suffocation. matt had the opportunity to fly with a small variety of air-crafts, normal air liners, small propeller air-crafts, helicopters, and even once with a hang glider.
suffocating and crushing the poor fox to death.
*Cub* Pumping Molly - 2011
Her head was a bit light from nearly suffocating and had no idea that the pirates had saved her on accident before it had gotten further than passing out. she was about to call out again when she heard somebody coming.
Pokemon: QATM Chapter 15-Kanto Finale
Mewtwo did not miss the opportunity, turning on coal and seizing him with confusion, putting a near-suffocating force all around him before raising the charmeleon into the air and hurling him away, releasing the telekinetic hold just as coal reached the height
Lupine Lunch
I gasp immediately, relief finding me as soon as air once more fills my lungs, and even while i'm still dizzy from near suffocation, i move to roll over and try to escape before this wolf can _truly_ hurt me, but a bone shaking growl, one that i literally
Kayla: By His Will
A mere two paces behind jacob, eyes still weary and chest still stiff from near asphyxiation, emily knelt down to join them at their height. she hoped her daughter was right and nothing else would come out to hurt her.
Ricky’s Taming
At last, the flow of gratuitous insults stops when, nearly suffocating, the lagomorph shoots the load of a lifetime. panting, rickie has a hard time getting back up and he's still flying on the happy cloud of his afterglow.
Newfound Sanctuary
I panted for a moment, trying to relax after nearly suffocating again. i then glared at pinkie pie and raised my voice, "why didn't your pinkie sense act up?!
Mahiri's Quest: Expansion II
She wants so badly to keep going, but she's near suffocation down there. devana sits and grinds for just a little longer, pushing the cat to her limit, and finally rises with a sigh once she knows sitting on mahiri's face any longer might prove fatal.
Operation Perfection
The humidity and heat was nearly suffocating with each step through the noisy green. the silver fox's ears pricked up hearing rushing water up ahead. "waterfall."