Level Five, Graduation: A Pink and Blue Diaperfur Adventure; Part One!
_rian mistakenly thinks:_ that his best friend dex and romantic love serafina would automatically get along because he loves both of them. they wouldn't.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:50
romantic love i mean." the wolf continued. "we were pups after all." dawn rubbed the wolf's paw with a thumb, offering him a meek smile. "back then we were just two lost little mammals lookin' fer a friend." the wolf let out a soft sigh.
Twin Souls
More often than not, the reincarnated will have some terribly unfair loss of powerful romantic love in their former lives," he said, pausing to extend an arm and let hugo scamper up onto his shoulder, "the legend goes that every so often, the blue goddess
Incubus- Awakening
This was closer to love making now, an odd thing carter realized since there wasn't any romantic love involved, but there was still love.
Family Bonding
I meant it, i just wasn't sure where romantic love had crept in, where it ended and my love for him as my little brother started. flint ran his fingers through my fur. "i've loved you for a couple years." he said quietly.
Shadow of Life and other dark dreams
Deces has walked alone for lifetimes without number and now he is sculpting himself a 'partner' someone to offer him truly romantic love, someone to share in his hunger to feed his loneliness.
Love is a Number
However, familiar love and romantic love are two completely different things. if journey eventually grew feelings for me, what could i possibly offer her? my broken heart and spirit that were as weak as my hitched limp?
Captive Carrying (WIP)
"oh gary, it's still the most romantic love story of our time." she gives a few loud overly dramatic sniffles. "i mean, who could have ever believed that in the end her love for that wooden door would be greater than her love for the poor irish boy.
Spy on Spy
Tears were streaming down her cheeks, she was so overwhelmed with pleasure and tender, romantic love. she looked incredibly beautiful and feminine while being fucked, so full of glowing, healthy beauty.
The Communal Rut
"i meant romantic love. not just lust, not just friendship, but _love_. do you think that maybe...somewhere out there is your soulmate?" "a harder question, that, but yes absolutely." now it was immortalis' turn to sigh. "huh. people are so different.
Red Twilight Demon of the Flowers
Deces has walked alone for lifetimes without number and now he is sculpting himself a 'partner' someone to offer him truly romantic love, someone to share in his hunger to feed his loneliness.
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romantic love never existed between the betrothed anyway even in the romantic victorian ages. it's, love i mean, between the fruitful adulterous.