Rexville 14: The Challenge and Closure
"this is going to be the best prank we have ever pulled." milagros and xavier exchanged glances and shrugged.
The Wrong Locker Room at the Right Time
#37 of bondage stories sometimes, getting into a fraternity means taking your lumps and dealing with prank after prank.
The tale of Ryan Lewis Pt3 Settling in.
"i was going to ask about a prank for tomorrow. draco says he's got one planned for me, and knowing that dragon, i do not want to know." alduin laughed,"with the prank i've got in plan, i wouldn't be surprised if draco was busy all morning."
Spoils Go to the Victorian
Besides, if that kid was pranking us or something, he'd still be around to hear you say that." "as if we'd get pranked. we're like the prank masters, bro!" kevin said, strolling up to the door. "but i agree. we should check out the spoils.
Pet or Freedom Kapitel 5 - Neues Heim
Dragen ging langsam um sein neues spielzeug herum, ließ seine pranke über den hintern von ihm gleiten und kicherte etwas.
Betting Over Berries
Together the four wolves carried on like they usually did, talking about the next hill they would slide down or the next big prank they would pull on the alphas.
Dude Looks Like a Lady
Oh, they better run fast, those hooligans, why i oughta -" "simmer down sally, y'know i was in on this prank here too, right?"
Lifting Up a Friend
"won't be much use to our prank if you're in pieces all over the floor..."
Der fünfte Thron - Part 3
Die zweite pranke lag auf der brust des wolfes. er fühlte die krampfende atmung, bis langsam stille einkehrte. erfüllt mit trauer und über den toten gebeugt, schloss er seine augen. „finde frieden!", hauchte er leise.
The Slacker and the Samurai Chapter 2
He had heard of it a few times before and had learned to stay away from those doing it, as they had a heightened sense around them making it nigh impossible to pull a prank.
The Symbol? - Chapter 4
Is this prank changing you?" she asks me. i was quite surprised. was this prank changing how i feel about jake? i've dated so many girls, and i've never dated a guy. could it be i'm gay?
Ein Sommermorgen
Dies erkannte auch bartok und löste eine pranke um sie dann kraftvoll um das glied des roten zu legen.