Princess and the Dragon 10

„i may be the monarch of this region, but if what you say is true, then you are the oldest living citizen of what we humans call detomia."

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On the Dark Horizon

The monarch turned to his daughter, his eyes misting with tears. "i know i have no right to ask you for this, but i could not bear the thought of having you go without at least trying.

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The Holy Empire of Valoria

Consequently, much bloodshed and in-fighting occurs between members of the royal family; one who wants to become the next monarch has to lie, cheat, and murder their way to the top.

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The King's Odd Bath

This time, the mouse gazed openly up at his monarch while diving his pink tongue between each squirming toe. as he watched, the feline's hand moved to the base of his shaft and held it perfectly upright.

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SPQR Chapter 7

A quick assassination to the end this power-hungry monarch's reign and very soon, he would send rome to enlightened rule as had been the case when he was elected decades ago.

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Bastille Day

The annals of history record the 14th of july as a date when the french people threw off the yoke of a wealthy power-hungry monarch and a corrupt and worldly clergy to form their own radical government.

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WOLF - pt.16

Great, monumental paintings lined the walls; wondrous landscapes and infamous monarchs from through time itself were painted in fine detail.

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 02

Others held onto their beliefs, but as the wealth of their order was seized by greedy monarchs, the families which had supported them were falling into hard times. of course _this_ family had lost its men, and thus been doubly cursed.

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The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 19

"any female who can ambush and pounce a male when she is in heat is patient, tactically minded, and with training can be made to focus on the battlefield instead of pounding a poor monarch into whatever she happens to have him pinned to."

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Dark Sorrow

I saw, of all things that ever could fall from the heavens like an angel of white, a single pink tinged lotus billowing in the breeze like a graceful monarch would descend a stair to greet her ponies.

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Chapter 11: Rise of the Anglar Empire

I have weaponized a monarch dodora. i have two bee fighters, the puffer, the anglar starfish ... and we are building bases across lylat, albeit quietly." "bases where?" asked octoman.

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