All about the Evocanis (Part 1)
In contrast of their ancestors who only perceive tones of blue and green, evocanis are able to perceive the full red, green and blue range, however with a much lower saturation when compared to humans.
Jenna perceives the taste of acid urine of balto on her tongue; she swallowed the warm liquid, it slides down by her throat and reaches her stomach.
Forging Bonds-Chapter 27: Familial Excursion
He was surprisingly and fairly well-toned for a lithesome fenri as i perceived his muscles. he may consider himself a runt, but i believed other fenri were even below average than him-- and those markings on him.
Two ladies
The girl perceives the taste of the precum, she finds it stranger and a disagreeable knowing from where it comes. but she licks it while he sees that little john has his eyes closed.
Wienners' FACTION - English Retranslation
When i reveal what is behind, my mind perceives unknown material. it's a faction, faction versus what is real. faction, faction: nothing's ideal. faction, faction: a whisper behind me, (faction, faction) "we're right here."
Poem suggestions* -1.-
Suggestion given for poem\* \*animal thoughts/poems perceived as human.
Male's time
He perceives this and internally smiles, little john stops and he stands up, his penis leaves robin's mouth.
Marian's rape
Little john moves his tongue, he perceives the taste of the juices that cover his tongue. marian squeezes her breasts while he moans and her eyes are closed.
Forging Bonds-Chapter 24: Back to Basics
I then perceived his hot breaths travel down my navel to my inguinal region as he moved his head there, stopping just at my slit. my brother left saliva on my vagina from his initial lick.
Forging Bonds-Chapter 36: The Day of the Deceased
However, i didn't achieve my crescendo, perceiving a void instead. gellir's knot eventually dislodged from my pucker, and i swerved around, presenting the pink aperture and my pussy to gellir.
Begging for a Pegging
Pinned beneath her shuddering form, sylvian couldn't help but perceive the abrupt shift in indie's behavior.
After the Birthday
Pongo raises his head and sniff air, pups rapidly imitate their father and try to perceive the odor that their father had perceived. "perdita" pongo thinks quickly when recognizing her mate's odor, he rapidly urges the pups to hide or escape.