Ch.4 Uprising
I did nothing about this because volch will have to deal with any relations and problems he has caused as i am to leave in the sunrise." marianna gradually relaxed her stance.
A journey begins
You're missing a great sunrise." says the ursaring as he continues to tap the charmeleon on the head. the charmeleon tries futilely to swat away the claw from his head "lemma alone just a few more minutes.....
The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 8: Battleground
Spyro's sleep where doomed to stay short as sparx yelled like maniac after sunrise. "gooood mooooornig! you sleepyhead!" sparx yelled right into spyro's ear.
Advent, Chapter 4-Briefing
It was the last sunrise that i would ever see, where i had not killed the entire human civilization, with all their blood on my hands.
Rainfall - Chapter 03
Https:// / [[furaffinity]]( / [[sofurry]]( thumbnail image by [[john bevan]](
Bonneville: Sex and Speed
sunrise's concept looked incredible for the first time under the open sunny blue sky. soon all thirty or so of us were there. i opened my link as everyone got into their cars.
A Tail of Romance and Friendship Book 1 chapter 2: First blood Second Kin Third pain
And then 24 to midnight and then 24 to sunrise.
Teenage Loves
Teen hood is just sunrise to know your wants live with love singing songs already sung. you will soon understand your true desire is something not found in second ring hunts for your blind sin will lead to hellish pyre. repent! repent!
On The Run
"sunrise.", he thought to himself. he sighed. he looked at his leg, it was covered in blood, both encrusted and fresh. he began to feel dizzy. his head swayed around as his vision became blurred.
If You Are Reading These They May Be About You
Husbands beside me breathe loud in the darkness just before sunrise. i ought to sleep more, but all my dreams were passion and i am too roused. all my dreams have turned to smoldering near-erections and poems half-remembered.
Ridixin…Part One
As i walk outside, i look around at the valley, taking in the sunrise, the smells and sights.
Eternal Rain
Tomorrow, i will abandon myself to sleep the faces of the ones being born seem so sad, and the faces of the dying ones seem so glad, awakening to the bright sunrise one dark morning, i find tears streaming down my face, clawing at my chest in the darkness