The Compass House - a City of Nodd Interactive Story
For those who aren't aware, the city of nodd is a worldbuilding project by [slug]( that's been ongoing for some time now and features all sorts of intriguing and hopelessly perverse things.
Looking Up
Soulless and hopeless, they remain bound by the laws that have them hold. they dare not look up, focused for fear that what they might see will cause the pain to flow in the form of tears shed mixed with the blood of a broken despondency.
Brain power part 3
Hir tongue uncoiled from his and started to wriggle throughout his mouth while his own attempted to fight back hopelessly. hopelessly trying to push back into shaskel's own mouth.
The Soulflower Festival - Part 3a
Somehow, hopelessness had drained him too much to even panic. lockie was staring at it for several seconds before he registered what it even was: below his downy-furred belly, he could see his furless member standing straight. his aunt was right.
Myth of the Macro Mightyena
This was hopeless. his eyes lazily wandered the scenery around him, seeing nothing but green, brown, and the black of the shadows that slowly crept over the forest as the sun set.
Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Four
Art gave another discreet chuckle before using his sign-language: "no, silly, changing about our way to be, you don't be so hopeless, and i musnt' be bitter" "if only it were that easy.
Shattered Hopes & Broken Dreams - Part 1: Quiet Contemplation
"no battle was ever won by people who believed that their cause was hopeless."
A wild and fur-tastic night
He was completely hopeless, and he absolutely loved it. it didn't take long for milena to reach his prostate, she was clearly an expert in using a strap-on.
Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 20- True Colors
I may as well not even waste my breath on hopeless creatures like you." there were so many things that lukan was wanting to say, but had no vocal capacity capable of allowing him to voice it all.
Chinchilla Attack
It was hopeless." blacktail pressed a few buttons. "this is captain blacktail of the royal chinchillan space fleet. the planet below is - "wait," nikto cried out.
The Romance of Serpents (Illustrated)
- poem **the romance of serpents - by amethystine, the hopeless romantic ~or~ amethystine's conversation with the guy at the flower shop, prior to attempting to break the ice with marie** - _"she'sss an absolute vision in blue.
Rifki sat on the floor, deck scrubbing the wooden slats hopelessly as he complained about the fun part being over. the leg sat mostly eaten at the foot of the bed. bloodbeak sighed and backed up from the still stained wall.