It's a Grand Old Race

Tommy thought torture went out with the dark ages. looks like he was wrong. he and english fight their way from the force's grasp and plunge into the cold waters of the pacific to escape the police.

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MegaParsec Chapter 4: Moving Out

"well," the man interrupted, "level one is dark ages, with no tools or tech, level two is stone tools and traps, level three is along the lines of trading and literacy, level 4 has modern technology with large cities and a high population, and level 5 is space

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The Tale of Sydran (Anonymous Commission)

But all that was gone the second he fell through that portal; he'd wound up in what pretty much amounted to the dark ages, with no electricity, no extranet, and a bunch of magic hooey that belonged in a game of witches & warlords.

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Beneath the Surface

"with the generous access granted by the security council, we were able to turn the pages back to the dark age of genetics, to take our shameful past with the daggers and apply what we learned to make a brighter future.

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Furnace of Stars, part 4

Some reset our progress nearly to the dark ages. that being a period of... intellectual darkness. before electricity." it was strange to imagine that. entire civilizations lost before i was even born. each destroying themselves in one way or another.

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I once saw an underground variant on judo

Everyone gets equal pay, but winner bulks out like a monster from the dark ages." "that's cursed magic," bajr snarls. tazz-man shoots him a look. it's a hungry one. "blunting? or medical mass transfer? you've never donated for cachexia?

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Harry Potter and the Aurei Leonis Book 1 Part 1 The Awakening

In the dark ages that was somewhat true but now we have found more and more fonts for our magic so far we have discovered 4 separate sources. in order of discovery." "1st and most commonly used source would be nature magic.

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Drifter's Diary

age. my mate, whom i was -very- close with and very fond of, left me; and i didn't write (except here and there, little things) for years. it's just now i'm learning again.

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The Destruction part 1

In a time not long after the roman empire fell, during the time known as the dark ages. a time when there no education, everyone living from what they could grow or hunt, or if they gotten sick they for the most part they die.
