Love to Run, Run to Love Part 4

Leave the zingers to us," angie moaned in minor disgust, to which the wolverine hung his head down shamefully. "anyway chris, you're seriously like a low-functioning user.

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FURtual Events

This event made them all realise that they should separate for the night and reconvene in the morning, refreshed and ready with all sorts of zingers against their fallen comrade, and soon enough, spike was left on his own by the exit of the hotel foyer.

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Is this Real?

Rin tried to say something in retort, something that would hurt the fox even more, but as he searched his repertory for one of his best one line zingers, he found none. the only thing he could do was stare at this poor thing, in so much pain.

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Zootopia Fiction: Buckies part 1

"got a little bush wacked by that zinger." nick replied as he wiped his head with a paw...."wow.....uh.....should i be respectful? how about grand slam? is that too descriptive?" nick said as he held his paws out. judy took that in and nodded.

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What Was Broken [6]

"i'll have to think up another zinger for him. see you then, gary." "that was? another witness?" oda asked. "dea agent that the cat shot." "ahh, i forgot about that."

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Hurricane Kim Chapter 11

My fins drooped in disappointment, i had so many zingers and hilarious anecdotes left to roll out! "enough. i don't have time for this.

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Lykos - Lone Wolf pt. 15

As the she-wolf left, she threw one last zinger over her shoulder...

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Hot Tips (For Tokeki)

It's seriously my best at the time; you try a zinger when the punishing's like that. but if he could howl on through the pain, i could double that. "'bout time... you remembered more... than just... falling on shit..."

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Digimon Defenders Side Chapter 4 Part 2

It might have been appreciation for the zinger, or the shock of the usually clean-mouthed gato tossing out a filthy insult so casually, but either way, biyo's eyes went wide.

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Back Alley Bustin'

His lips curled up, and i knew a zinger was en-route. "yep, a shrimp like you can't live entitled. but some shit ain't earned... just given."

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Chomped Pilot Episode (Freebies Vol. 74)

He had a huge cock, a real zinger that stretched a good foot and a half up the width of his abdominals. the second was a dragon, a blue-scaled male with narrow shoulders and a massive, huge, oversized rump.

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