
Nearly four weeks of self-care and his vitality was at a high. his muscles itched for use. gerald imagined the competition to keep up his fighting spirit.

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Dragonheart Part 33

This is one of the most difficult paths because they are more likely to self-care and in isolation from others.

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Pounding to the Beat

The wolf's tongue lolled out the side of his mouth, and some self-care bookkeeper in the back of his brain made a note of the nearest water cooler; he was already getting dehydrated and was going to be far worse by the time he was done.

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Fucking Rats

There he stood, a poorly self-cared grey rat, fur messily sticking to him. his ears were partially ripped, and they twitched annoyingly at the slightest provocation.

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Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 8

Having the flexibility of my neck made self-care so much easier, and when my feathers got too much of something on them, be it mud or blood, i would find a creek or pond to wash myself off. oh, how i could go for a dip in the stream right now.

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Heavens above, it had been a year since he'd given himself some self-care hadn't it? and he wasn't counting the baoding balls earlier, that was just part of this session as a whole.

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My College Enslavement: Chapter 3

Given brian's lack of self-care, he didn't expect him to have that many dates. he snuck a peek at the ram's crotch, trying to make note of something he must have missed. brian nodded, "yeah.

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Chapter 30: The Lake of Purity.

We both rarely show any selfishness and when we do, it's usually over self-care. harmless ones like showering, to be exact." the axew chuckles before turning towards the zorua, raising his arms in ecstasy. "in short: i love him." "i see."

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Into The Abyss

"you got too caught up in your self-care," soma levelled at her while struggling to escape from one of his web-vine-hydra cocoons as he burned within it.

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Story of Clyde and Addison - Chapter 6

She asked with a petit smile, as if restraining her-self. "care to list off names?" "tell me who filed the claim," clyde demanded, "and i'll list off all the people who i know do it." "well i can't tell you that, confidentiality."

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