Chapter 2: Reflections Before the Journey

They had planed to enter viridian forest and spit up looking for them, but zack discovered that one of the herbs only grew on the plains. that meant that someone would have to travel further north into the habitat where the herbs were found.

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The Cat's Stroll 17

Kyu cao removed and collected first the rest of the moss, leaving only the part that could be called the spirit herb. then he began to consider how to collect it.

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Big Debt

Those ones are common herbs even. one of twelve. two of ten...

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Master of Aura Chapter Six

I yowled happily and my trainer walked in more, and his mom and herb closely followed. herb chuckled as he saw lucario sleeping in the chair, "looks like he worked himself to exhaustion."

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Remaking the herd Sloth

Xanto asked as he rolled onto his side, and looked around surprised to find a big tray of herbs and snacks. now when had he bought that... but then that though wandered out of his head and he took a bit of herb. "ummm ya wanta join me?" "yep."

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A Little Less Counselor...Chapter 16

"merely herbs along with jasmine." "but what herbs, precisely? pray tell me, lest you be accused of poisoning the counselor of the emperor." "ah, do you feel faint? here, fall into my arms, if you must."

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Chapter 30: A Day at the Beach

He went out to gather herbs and hasn't come back in an hour or so. we're not worried, but he sometimes forgets things. if you see him, could you remind him to pick the libaith herbs this time?" "alright.

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Chapter 21: Don't Ever Stop Loving Me

He was chewing grimly on the herbs in his jaw. kel could smell the dizzying aroma: the pungent, sharply sour smell of the bitter herb. he stopped to stand over loryn, who kept chewing and ignored him. "what the hell are you doing?"

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The Wizard's Apprentice: Chapter 10

He wasn't going to be able to tell the difference between the various herbs without paying attention.

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WC/LotW C4

And paralytics so it's probably not going to be put to good use, she is also taking the last of the very herb i came for.

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The Witche's Heart P1

The woods just outside the stone walls of yaarl were full of medicinal herbs making it a center for the art of healing. in particular, the witches of yaarl were respected and renowned across the realm.

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