The Coliseum
The wolf grunted a bit as the lizard lifted him with care, the device pulling his balls painfully. the dragon sat onto the crate, and made him sit onto his hard, thick member, holding his legs in the air.
I tug on his scrotum painfully. "ow! it-there's no money, just crack. not much...i've been so dry, master." "jesus fucking-h christ!" i exclaim. i don't need this in the middle of the night. sometimes it's enough to make you want to go clean.
. -- the world seemed to stand still in utter awe of what had just happened; the only one who dared make a sound was ashanti as she writhed upon the court, groaning in pain, tears knotting up her eyes after having the tennis ball painfully introduced
A Simple Transaction: Bad Horsey
And i mean just; they were ridiculously tight, and the silken fabric crushed and hugged my balls painfully and the lace trimmed crotch had gone tight up my crack and was sawing across my tailhole rubbing the already raw pucker even worse.
Love's Shadow Part 5
The skunk's other hand was balled painfully, gripping the bed-clothes and making the muscles in his arm and chest stand out breathtakingly. jace's slender stomach was heaving as he panted and gasped.
The Kresh - A Jackal's Cruel Fate
When finally it subsided, he felt a deep itch start in his balls, which had swollen to the size of softballs, straining his scrotum painfully tight. the itch was growing, and it felt like the insides of his balls were crawling with life.
(COMMISSION) A Hard Lesson Learned
Kiparu whined and squirmed over and over as his master stroked his needy shaft, the wise but slightly sadistic dragon striking a delicate balance between rubbing and squeezing kip's aching testicles painfully, and stroking him off so gracefully.
A Son's Service
"well good pets deserved just rewards," she said as she kicked him back in his chair, squeezing his balls painfully with her foot as she played with two capsules in her paw, "now... mommy's got some special plans for you."
Side effects may include longer lasting erection, slight inflation of the testes, painful erections, longer orgasm, coloured tint of the seminal fluids, headaches, and exhaustion. please consult your doctor if any other side effects occur.'
All's Well That Ends Swelled (4)
After two weeks with sha'ria, he'd learned to tolerate the ball pain -- even if it was significantly more intense than usual -- but the way that his nuts squashed so easily between his girlfriend's fingers? that felt just a little unnerving.
Clopper's Journey -- Chapter 7
Meanwhile, mathew's balls pained him greatly as they radiated spikes of agony with every step he took. this slowed down the work which resulted in even more punishment -- all aimed directly at his already abused sack.
Office Bitch 2
Just before he was about to pop the stress ball, pain gave way to pleasure and he was in heaven. soon he was humping back into his daddy deer's cock, hoping that he could get it in deeper than the muscular statuesque male behind him was already able to.