Sedric could only whimper a subservient "yes sir," feeling the strong urge to get out of the tea shop and go somewhere more private.

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Creation Of The Species

He murmured softly as he paused at a small tea shop and saw the man waiting for him at the elaborate gate that marked the entrance. his guards still present and wary, watching him like a dangerous animal about to pounce.

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Zhaskur - Part One - Arrival

Rwenthlethance himself was back in the encompassing gauze shroud he'd worn at the tea-shop - or at least, i assumed that was rwence. next to him was an older gnoll; much older, but he - she? almost certainly _she_.

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Open House: A Pink and Blue Diaperfur Identity Adventure: Level One

Twitchy shook his head as he scanned the menu of a tea shop. "that seems like more trouble than it's worth. do you know how many times you would have to do that before it makes any statistical difference?" he remarked idly.

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Temple of Bloom (Finale)

It must have been a busy road, shi thought, to have all of these before even reaching the first little clusters of urban homes and cottages, before even reaching a single tea shop. lots of commerce in this town, lots of travel.

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Snowie's Dungeon Escape

I just have some tea stored down here. somewhere down here. i keep it in this chest so raj wont drink it all. he loves green tea." the otter says, swaying his thick tail as he digs through the belongings.

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Red Twilight the Weaver promotional copy

"no," jessica explains as she starts to walk to the road "you can choose to walk away now, go back to the tea shop, continue dancing and hide your newborn.

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