Death's Blood Ch. Three: A Friendly Contract
Three: A Friendly Contract (The day was as foggy as any day in winter is known to be. As predators, we were the lucky ones even when we could not even afford firewood. Even at this time, I stole. We had enough blankets to keep us warm at night....
Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 10 Sabre's Cometh
The small spaceship was zooming through the stars, making its way past the asteroid belt, heading in the direction where planet Corneria was located. He made a few twists and turns around every asteroid, boulder, even small space rocks so that he could...
Death's Blood Ch. Twenty-Three: From Tree To Tree
Their financier was a young adult she-wolf of an esteemed house, betrothed to another aristo at the time. it was a scheme common among swindlers: she had provided them with the money needed for their expenses, but charged them double what she loaned.
Catfish: Bryan and Christiana
We spent a great deal of time in our own chatroom, appropriately titled "summer camp", with me as the camp counselor, and she as the young, hot and nymphomaniac virgin she-wolf eager for excitement and discovery.
First Times & Heat Rhymes Part Two: Commision by Amethyst Mare
The door crashed open and a thunderous she-wolf stormed into the room, eyes ablaze and hair flying about her terrifying muzzle. "bethany rochez! you have a lot of explaining to do!"
Love of a Lifetime (A Lore Friendly Star Fox Story) Chapter 2
The she-wolf could barely think and it felt like she was going to lose her mind.
Summer of Love (A Canon Star Fox Story)
The she wolf was doing that on purpose to be even closer. with one finger she brought up the things to do which had brief descriptions. "oh, how about this?" the she wolf then suggested.
Death's Blood Ch. Twenty-Five: Tainted Honour
Twenty-Five: Tainted Honour (I could never forget the time I was in Agnarge upon my return to Symphon. That was where I made my reputation. In the first sightings, the witnesses and...
Death's Blood Ch. Ten: Images
Ten: Images (It was late that same evening, having seen what Clement did. When I entered our less than humble home, there I saw my mother and Clement, both at the kitchen table, having blatantly wondered where I could have been for the rest of the...
Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 11 Moving In, Part 1: Sabre
The next day... Bill heard the sound of his alarm clock going off, waking him up, and feeling groggy. He lifts himself up from the bed, stretches his arms wide-up with a yawn and rubs his eyes. He reads the time on the clock, 6:04 AM, and shakes his...
Sharyenna's Penance
Said a voice from the she-wolf's side. the she-wolf turned her head with effort, the fleshy ruff around her head felt big, unfamiliar, and cumbersome.
Before the great night (Eryn POW)
Ruby pushes the toy inside the she-wolf, she feels as her vaginal walls surround the toy. for the she-wolf it is not difficult to take the penis in her vagina.